BTE 1522 – Innovation (Python) – Class Introduction

Welcome to the world of innovation and programming!

As we dive into the BTE 1522 – Innovation course, we are set to embark on an exciting journey of building competencies in Python programming. This course has been carefully crafted to provide you with a hands-on experience, focusing on two key components: Python programming itself and the fascinating realm of Raspberry Pi.

In the first part of the course, we’ll be delving into the vast landscape of Python programming. This language, known for its simplicity and versatility, is a powerful tool for turning your creative ideas into reality. Our goal is to not only teach you the syntax but also to guide you in understanding coding concepts through practical application.


Week One: Introduction to Replit
What is Replit?
Replit is an online integrated development environment (IDE) that allows you to write, run, and collaborate on Python code in real-time. It eliminates the need for complex installations and configurations, making it an ideal choice for beginners. You can access your projects from anywhere with an internet connection, providing a convenient and flexible coding environment.

Why Replit?
Accessibility: Replit enables you to access your projects from any device with an internet connection, allowing for flexibility and convenience in your coding journey.

Collaboration: The platform supports real-time collaboration, making it easy for you to work on projects with your peers. Collaborative coding enhances your learning experience and fosters teamwork.

No Setup Hassle: Forget about the hassle of setting up Python on your local machine. Replit streamlines the process, allowing you to focus on coding and learning without the headache of installations.

Accessing Course Materials
To enhance your learning experience, you can access course notes and relevant materials on my website. This resource hub will serve as a valuable companion throughout the course, providing supplementary materials, tutorials, and additional insights to support your understanding of the concepts covered in class.

Additionally, Kalam, our dedicated platform for course-related content, will be available for you to access and download materials at your convenience. It’s a centralized hub for announcements, assignments, and collaborative discussions, ensuring you stay connected and engaged with the course content.

Looking Ahead: Designing our First Game
As we familiarize ourselves with Replit in Week One, anticipation is building for the upcoming classes where we will dive into the exciting process of designing our first game. This hands-on project will serve as a practical application of the coding concepts you’ll be learning throughout the course.

Whether you’re a seasoned coder or a complete beginner, this course is designed to cater to all skill levels. The game development aspect will not only be educational but also immensely enjoyable. Get ready to unleash your creativity and witness the transformation of your ideas into a functioning game!

As we venture further into the world of Python programming, keep

Welcome on Board 23/24 SEM 1

Welcome back to the university for the academic year 2024!

I hope this message finds you well and ready for an exciting and fulfilling semester ahead.

Reflecting on the challenges of the past years, we have witnessed significant transformations, especially in the education landscape AI and other advancements is crucial. Adapting to these innovations has been a journey for us all. Now, as we step into 2024, it’s time for us to creatively embrace these changes and strive for greater success, InshaAllah.

I am enthusiastic about the upcoming semester =), where I’ll be teaching various subjects, including BTE 3232 Communication System Design Laboratory, BTE 1522 Programming & Innovation, Final Sem Diploma Project, Undergraduate Research Project I & II, and Final Year Project I. These courses are designed to provide you with a comprehensive and hands-on learning experience, preparing you for the challenges and opportunities in the field.

Additionally, I’ve curated a series of intriguing mentoring activities at the UMP STEM Lab ( These activities encompass Arduino Robotics, R-Pi IoT, pico-satellites =), Software Radios, and Web Development.

Stay tuned for announcements, as there might be some exciting free lunches on board for participants :). It’s an excellent opportunity to delve into practical applications and enhance your skills in these cutting-edge technologies.

I am eager to facilitate engaging, interactive, and fruitful academic programs this semester. Let’s collaborate, learn, and keep abreast with  technological advancements, InshaAllah. If you have any questions or need guidance throughout the semester, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Here’s to a successful and enriching semester ahead!

Warm regards,

BTE3232 – Com System Design – Oscillators




Hellloo BTE3232 Students,

Welcome back to UMPSA. Than you for registering into this course BTE 3232 Communication System Design Laboratory.

I hope this message finds you well and thriving in your exploration of the fascinating world of communication system design. Today, we’ll kick off with  Lab No. 1, where we embark on a journey to understand the details of the Colpitt and Hartley Oscillators – crucial components in the superheterodyne radio receivers.

Colpitt Oscillator: A Stable Foundation for RF Systems

As we venture into the heart of this laboratory exercise, let’s first look the concept of the Colpitt Oscillator. Named after its inventor Edwin Colpitts, this oscillator plays a pivotal role in generating the desired frequency for radio frequency applications, making it an indispensable element in communication systems.

As you may have seen the lab instructions, the Colpitts Oscillator takes center stage due to its ability to provide a stable and tunable output frequency – an essential characteristic for effective communication. Its configuration, comprising a transistor, capacitors, and inductors, allows it to produce a continuous oscillation that we can harness for various communication purposes.

Hartley Oscillator: A Harmonious Alternative

Now, let’s introduce the Hartley Oscillator, an alternative configuration, named after its inventor Ralph Hartley, this oscillator also contributes significantly to communication system design.

The Hartley Oscillator, like the Colpitts, is commonly employed for its stability and frequency-tuning capabilities. However, its distinctive feature lies in the use of a tapped inductor, creating a center tap that allows for enhanced coupling between the inductor and the capacitor, promoting a more efficient oscillation.

Comparing Colpitts and Hartley Oscillators:

To better understand the nuances of these two oscillators, let’s delve into a table comparison:

Feature Colpitts Oscillator Hartley Oscillator
Configuration Single inductor, single capacitor Tapped inductor, single capacitor
Tuning Range Narrow Wide
Frequency Stability Good Excellent
Amplitude Stability Moderate Good
Common Applications RF applications, low-frequency VCO RF applications, audio oscillators

Understanding the Significance of Capacitance and Inductance:

In the context of both the Colpitts and Hartley Oscillators, capacitance and inductance values are crucial parameters that significantly influence the frequency of oscillation, stability, and overall performance. As you engage in Lab 1, experiment with different values for capacitors and inductors in both oscillator configurations to observe their effects on frequency, stability, and amplitude.

This hands-on experience will not only reinforce theoretical concepts but also sharpen your skills in communication system design. Remember, a deep understanding of the Colpitts and Hartley Oscillators empowers you to engineer communication systems with precision and finesse.

Please submit your lab report by Friday March 8th, 2024 – hardcopy. And upload on Kalam.

Nurul – March 3rd, 2024

Robot Literacy 24/1

*UMP STEM Lab Robot Literacy – Introduction to Robot and Robotics can be found here.

40 teachers and school children from Kuantan, Pahang had participated in this program. Students have gone through activities including robot anatomy, actuators and sensors.

Thank you Dr Irene for coordinating the communication between STEM Lab and the participants.