University for Society – Community Engagement

July 6th 2019

The Department of Industry and Community Network (ICoN) Universiti Malaysia Pahang welcomed delegates from Universiti Andalas, Indonesia. The visit is a part of Universiti Andalas students community service program with the objective to engage with international volunteering activities. This in line with ICoN’s community outreach motto which aims to promote the importance of social awareness in the context of providing productive activity for the society, ranging from school children to the elderly . In this 21-day program, all the 23 Universiti Andalas students will be engaged to the community volunteering activities including fertigation  farming in UMP Technology Farm, storybook reading in with pre-school children in Taska Anakku Chomel UMP, beach cleaning in Pantai Sepat, motivational talks in Nur Iman Orphanage Center, elephant keeping and cleaning in Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary as well as river cleaning in Kg. Morten, Melaka.

  • Plaque exchange session

  • Involvement in RBTX Challenge

  • Session with Deputy Vice Chancellor

  • Fertigation Farming

Petrosains RBTX Challenge – East Coast Qualifying League

More that 95 teams competed in the East Coast qualifying league in UMP. 31 facilitators from UMP join force with Petrosains Volunteers in organizing this competetion (RBTX East Coast Regional Qualifying League).

The competetion is divided into 3 categories, namely Line Tracer Junior (primary schools), Line Tracer Advance (secondary schools) and Robo Sumo (1kg).

What an enjoyable and fun experience!

Volunteers from Robocon KoQ 19/20 II
Volunteers from Digital Ninja Alumni

Line Tracer Junior
Line Tracer Senior