DRE 2213 – Prog and Data Structure – Design Thinking

Dear DRE-ian,

Congratulations on successfully completing Part B of our program! It’s evident that you’ve progressed beyond the novice stage, and what better way to mark this milestone than by embarking on a project. As you step into the next phase of your journey, we encourage you to choose a project topic from the provided list of five options. To express your interest and commitment, kindly register using the Google link shared earlier.

I encourage you to apply Design Thinking Strategies, which we discussed in class today, to shape and refine your project. The knowledge and skills you’ve acquired over the past 10 weeks serve as a solid foundation for you to actively contribute to the open-source community. Python, being a key focus, provides a fantastic starting point, and please explore additional techniques that can enhance and enrich your solution.

The deadline for project submissions is December 31st, and we have scheduled presentations for January 10th, 2024. This is a great opportunity for you to showcase your creativity, problem-solving abilities, and the application of your newfound knowledge.

I am excited to see what you will create 🙂 and how you will contribute to the open-source community.

Your project holds the potential to make a meaningful impact, and we look forward to witnessing your journey and success. Best of luck with your project development!