I am truly humbled and overwhelmed by this recognition.
Thank you everyone for your continuous support. Looking forward to engage with more students, school children, teachers and industry partners, InSyaAllah.

The world is digital, but life is analog..
I am truly humbled and overwhelmed by this recognition.
Thank you everyone for your continuous support. Looking forward to engage with more students, school children, teachers and industry partners, InSyaAllah.
Alhamdulilah pada kali ini Program Literasi Digital buat pertama kalinya di adakan di luar negeri Pahang.
Terima kasih kepada pihak KUB Malaysia berhad kerana sudi untuk membiyai program pada kali ini.
Untuk makluman Yang Hormat Datuk dan hadirin sekalian, Program Literasi Digital ini telah bermula sejak 2 tahun lepas. Program ini bukan lah program yang baharu kerana di negara2 maju sebagai contoh di UK, program celik digital telah lama dimulakan dan diperkenalkan kepada anak2 kecil mereka sejal umur 4 tahun lagi.
Atas tujuan inilah satu kumpulan terdiri daripada warga Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik UMP yang berminat untuk memulakan projek ini telah dibentuk dan dikenali sebagai The Reading Makcix. Golongan sasaran utuk projek ini adalah murid-murid pra sekolah.
Pastinya, bukanlah niat hendak mengambil alih tugas dan kepakaran guru2 di Pra sekolah tetapi hanyalah sekadar ingin meyelitkan diri dalam aktiviti kemasyarakatan terutamanya kepada anak2 kecil ini yang telah terdedah kepada gajet elektronik seawall umur 2 tahun lagi.
Trend ini tidak boleh kita nafikan dan disekat tetapi saya fikir yang terbaik adalah bagaimana kita mengawal dan memandu mereka dalam ledakan teknologi maklumat yang berlaku begitu pantas pada masa kini.
Objektif utama program ini ialah untuk:-
Pada permulaan program sebanyak 6 buah sekolah disekitar UMP telah dipilih sebagai perintis. Alhamdulillah maklumbalas bukan sahaja daripada guru2 malahan pihak PIBG sekolah ada juga memohon untuk memasukkan program ini di sekolah mereka.
Sehingga kini, seramai 325 pelajar pra sekolah telah kita dekati.
Literasi digitital kepada pra sekolah merupakan salah satu program di bawah UMP STEM LAB. Susulan dari program ini, terdapat beberapa program seperti kelas robotik, UMP National Hackathon, Pahang National Foxhunting dan Young Innovate Malaysia yang dijalankan secara percuma kepada pelajar sekolah.
Ini merupakan sebahagian dari program libatsama warga UMP bersama komuniti, khususnya dalam memupuk minat terhadap Pendidikan Sains Teknologi Kejuruteraan dan Matematik (STEM), terutamanya golongan yg kurang keutamaan (less privilegea).
Untuk itu, kami amat mengalu-alukan kerjasama dengan pihak industri sepertimana pada hari ini. Sekali lagi terima kasih diucapkan kepada pihak KUB Melaysia Berhad.
Sekian, Wassalamualiakum Warahmatulahiwabaraka tuh.
Funded by Motorola Solutions Foundation 2017 Grant, UMP STEM Lab was established back in 2017. We believe that by encouraging the youngsters to see, think & explore, they would marvel in their future.
The overall aim of having this lab is to facilitate and increase the awareness of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) education, its importance in life general as well as the career opportunity that are available now and the future, and its significance in nation building.
The community herein comprises primary & secondary school children, and their school teachers. The long-term goal of UMP STEM Lab is to ensure the teachers are given the right additional training and intervention so that they are able to sustain the drive of STEM in school.
In 2018, UMP STEM Lab had managed to engage with a total of 350 students (targeted numbers of participation was 250 students). These engagements include after school programming classes, ‘career in STEM’ talks in schools as well as our signature programs; Pahang National Hackathon and Pahang National Foxhunting.
UMP STEM Lab covers the topics on Open source programming such as mBlock, Arduino.cc, MIT App Inventor Programming as well as basic robotic programming. Topics on radio wave propagation, trans-receivers design and antenna design were also covered. Using the trans-receivers designed in the lab, the students then locate beacons (fox) that transmit Morse codes signals.
Our survey at the end of 2018 program found that 94% of the participants would consider pursuing their studies in STEM related field.
For 2019, we look forward to increase the number of engagements especially in the after-school programming classes as well as the Pahang National Hackathon and Pahang National Foxhunting. New programs, such as Internet Security Awareness and Arduino robotics are also lined up for 2019.
Finally, we are truly grateful and appreciate continuous support from Motorola Solutions Foundation. We look forward to continue working with Motorola Solutions and offer engineering and technological oriented programs that motivate school children to See, Think, Explore and Marvel. InSyaAllah.
It was a great pleasure to be ‘suprised’ by UMP alumni, who are currently Motorola Solutions employees! They grow to be good engineers and most importantly are healthy and happy there. Nothing is more rewarding than to see them succeeding in their career! Well done guys!
Presented 2018 STEM engagement activities in the Malaysian Technology Exposition (MTE) – Mentor Mentee Award Category. UMP STEM Lab was established back in 2016 and since then various activities have been organized.
Thank you very much to everyone for your contribution in the activities. Looking forward for more collaboration in the STEM Outreach activities in future.
Steering committee meeting 2/2019. Attendees JPNP (Ketua Unit KoQ), KPM (Deputy Director Education Department), UMP (ICoN, JPPH, PNC).
20 teams from 7 schools in Kuantan and Pekan participated in this year’s STEM@Citrex 2019.
Congratulations to all!
January 24th
Alhamdulilah, KUB Malaysia Berhad had agreed to collaborate with UMP in one of its STEM Outreach Activity – 2019 Digital Literacy Program.
The outreach is scheduled to take place in March, September and November 2019.
On behalf of the Reading Makchixx, I would like to thank KUB Malaysia on this collaboration. Insyaallah, the details of this program will be be updated soon.
January 8th, 2018
Attended a 2-hour session with PERHEBAT and Nation Gate Penang.
Looking forward to collaborate with industries in doing STEM oriented activities.
2018 has been a great year.
UMP STEM Lab has recorded the highest number of participation – school children, teachers, UMP mentors and staff. Thank you very much for the overwhelming and continuous support. We will be having more programs in 2019, InSyaAllah.
For details, please visit:-
Below are the 2018 highlights:-
December 19th, 2018
UMP STEM Lab School holiday program by Robocon 2P team.
Training modules covered were mBOT programming for kids aged 10-15 years old.