KUB-UMP Digital Literacy Program 2019

January 24th

Alhamdulilah, KUB Malaysia Berhad had agreed to collaborate with UMP in one of its STEM Outreach Activity – 2019 Digital Literacy Program.

The outreach is scheduled to take place in March, September and November 2019.

On behalf of the Reading Makchixx, I would like to thank KUB Malaysia on this collaboration. Insyaallah, the details of this program will be be updated soon.

UMP STEM Lab 2018 Summary

2018 has been a great year.

UMP STEM Lab has recorded the highest number of participation  – school children, teachers, UMP mentors and staff. Thank you very much for the overwhelming and continuous support. We will be having more programs in 2019, InSyaAllah.

For details, please visit:-


Below are the 2018 highlights:-

2018 Summary

Pahang Hackathon 2018

2018 Pahang Foxhunting

The Reading Makchixx