UMP UMW 2020 Collaboration

September 4th, 2019

Press release of 2020 Toyota ‘Start Your Impossible’ Campaign. Alhamdulilah, UMP’s ‘Program Jelajah Desa Jurutera Muda’ is being selected as the one of the two recipients for the upcoming year 2020.

UMW Toyota Realigns CSR Initiatives to Enable the Impossible


Petrosains RBTX 2019 Grand Finale

3 tracks

  • Robo Sumo
  • Robo Tracer
  • Innovation

Posted by Petrosains Educators on Jumaat, 23 Ogos 2019

Pahang STEM Carnival 2019

Held in UMP Gambang, this 2-day event is the annual Pahang STEM Carnival. More than 1000 school kids participated in this event, consisting of more than 23 competition.

Closing Ceremony

Arduino Workshop