Arduino Robotics 2024/1 – TTT Mentor Training

*UMP STEM Lab Arduino Robotics Programming Synopsis can be found here.

The Arduino robotics programming session focused on introducing 30  students, from the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering UMPSA, to the fundamentals of coding and robotics using Arduino microcontrollers. The content covered basic coding concepts and gradually progressed to advanced topics such as line following algorithms. Through hands-on exercises and projects, students gained practical experience in programming Arduino boards to control a miniature 2-wheel robotic systems. The session successfully engaged students in interactive learning activities, fostering their understanding of robotics principles and enhancing their coding skills.

A special appreciation is extended to the faculty for their exceptional coordination in facilitating communication between the participants and the UMP STEM Lab.



Raspberry Pi Programming 2024/1 – TTT Mentor Training

*UMP STEM Lab Raspberry Pi Programming Synopsis can be found here.

In the Raspberry Pi IoT session, 33 students from the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering UMPSA were introduced to the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) using Raspberry Pi on the UMP STEM Cube, a pico-satellite learning kit specifically designed to facilitate engineering learning.

The content covered basic digital input/output operations on onboard LEDs, as well as topics such as dashboard design using gyrometer and BMU280 sensor data, including collecting and storing data in a cloud database. Students learned to interface sensors with Raspberry Pi boards and develop IoT applications for real-world scenarios. The session provided students with valuable insights into IoT technology and its applications in various domains.

A special appreciation is extended to the faculty for their exceptional coordination in facilitating communication between the participants and the UMP STEM Lab.

2024/2: STEM Career Talk MTE @Petrosains Playsmart – Electrifying Sustainability: The Role of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in Eco-Friendly Solutions



Electrifying Sustainability: The Role of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in Eco-Friendly Solutions

I had the privilege of presenting at Petrosains PlaySmart Kuantan today, thanks to Rau and Zahida, engaging with bright minds from Form 4 and Form 5 from SK Paya Besar. Our topic of discussion? “Electrifying Sustainability: The Role of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in Eco-Friendly Solutions.” It was an exhilarating experience, delving into how technology intertwines with sustainability, especially for Malaysia’s budding engineers and environmental enthusiasts.

Understanding Sustainability – Before delving into the details of electrical and electronics engineering, it’s crucial to understand the essence of sustainability. Sustainability entails preserving our planet’s resources for future generations, striking a delicate balance between environmental preservation, economic growth, and societal well-being. For Malaysia, a country blessed with natural beauty and biodiversity, sustainability is not merely a buzzword but a pressing necessity for our continued prosperity.

The Role of Electrical and Electronics Engineering lies at the heart of modern technological advancements. It’s the driving force behind innovations that shape our world, from renewable energy solutions to smart infrastructure. In Malaysia, where environmental conservation is paramount, electrical and electronics engineering plays a pivotal role in crafting eco-friendly solutions tailored to our unique challenges.

Renewable Energy Sources – One of the most prominent areas where electrical engineering intersects with sustainability is in harnessing renewable energy sources. Malaysia boasts abundant sunlight, wind, and hydro resources, making it ripe for renewable energy production. Through solar panels, wind turbines, and hydroelectric dams, electrical engineers contribute to reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating climate change impacts.

Solar energy, in particular, holds immense potential for Malaysia’s sustainable future. With its year-round sunshine, Malaysia can tap into solar power to generate clean electricity for homes, businesses, and remote communities. By leveraging solar panels and innovative technologies, electrical engineers pave the way for a brighter, greener tomorrow.

Malaysia’s coastal areas and highlands offer prime locations for wind energy generation. Wind turbines harness the power of the wind, converting it into renewable electricity. This sustainable solution not only reduces carbon emissions but also strengthens Malaysia’s energy independence and resilience.

Hydroelectric dams, such as Bakun and Murum, are integral to Malaysia’s energy landscape. By harnessing the kinetic energy of flowing water, hydroelectric power contributes significantly to our electricity supply. While it poses environmental challenges, careful planning and sustainable practices ensure that hydroelectric energy remains a vital component of Malaysia’s energy mix.

Efficient energy storage is essential for maximizing the potential of renewable energy sources. Electrical engineers pioneer advancements in battery technologies, enabling us to store excess energy and stabilize the grid. In Malaysia, these innovations facilitate the integration of renewables into our energy infrastructure, paving the way for a more sustainable energy ecosystem.

The electrification of transportation is another frontier where electrical engineering drives sustainability. Electric vehicles (EVs) offer a cleaner alternative to traditional combustion engine vehicles, reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Through infrastructure development and battery technology advancements, electrical engineers propel Malaysia towards a greener, more sustainable transportation sector.

As I concluded my presentation at Petrosains PlaySmart, I couldn’t help but feel optimistic about the future. The enthusiasm and curiosity displayed by the Form 4 and Form 5 students reaffirmed my belief in the power of education and innovation. With electrical and electronics engineering at the forefront, Malaysia is poised to electrify sustainability, paving the way for a more resilient, eco-friendly future.

Thank you again Petrosains Playsmart for this wonderful session.

Let’s harness the power of technology to build a greener, more sustainable world for generations to come.