Arduino Robotics 2022/1 – AMG Yayasan Al-Sultan Abdullah (YASA)

April 12th 2022

UMP STEM Lab Arduino Robotics Programming Synopsis can be found here.

30 teachers and students of Akademi Menara Gading (AMG) had participated in this program. Students have gone through activities involving Arduino Programming and electronics systems. Thank you TNCAA – Prof Rosli Hainin, En Rahman, Pn Dura & Pn Aida for coordinating the communication between UMP STEM Lab and AMG.





STEM Online: See.Think Webcast: Series 2022/1 – Social Media: The Etiquette and Safety


Insyaallah See Think Webcast 2022 will kick start soon !

In this Celik Digital @ UMP STEM Lab Edition, we are collaborating with UNESCO Information For All Program to feature speakers from various expertise to spread the awareness on Digital Competencies for Information & Media Literacy.

This upcoming series will feature Dayana Kemesky as a speaker of a very interesting topic :-

Social Media: The Etiquette and Safety

Date: March 28th 2022 Time: 8:30 pm MYT

Platform :
Youtube Channel: UMP STEM Lab

E-certificate & CPD registration: (will be available on March 28th, 2022)


