Python Programming 2023/5 – SBPI Kuantan

*UMP STEM Lab Python Programming Synopsis can be found here.

29 students and teachers from SBP Integrasi Kuantan had participated in this program. Students have gone through activities such as creating a video game and displaying data using Python Programming.

Thank you Cikgu Syahril for coordinating the communication between UMP STEM Lab and the participants.







































mBlock Programming 2023/6 – SK Jengka Pusat 2

37 participants from SK Jengka Pusat 2 had participated in this program.

A synopsis of the program can be retrieved via the following link.

Participants develop interactive games using block programming concepts. Appreciation to Cikgu Hailmey bin Ikhsan for coordinating the communication between the participants and UMP STEM Lab.























































Python Programming 2023/4 – Kolej Vokasional Kuantan

*UMP STEM Lab Python Programming Synopsis can be found here.

43 students and teachers from Kolej Vokasional Kuantan had participated in this program. Students have gone through activities such as creating a video game and displaying data using Python Programming.

Thank you Pn Zanariah for coordinating the communication between UMP STEM Lab and the participants.

































Workshop on Empowering the Future: Digital Making Skill Sets in STEM Education


Empowering Educators: Teachers Leading the Way in Information Literacy Assessment

In conjunction of the workshop, literacy assessment took place.

In today’s information-rich world, the ability to navigate, evaluate, and apply information effectively is a skill of paramount importance. Information literacy has evolved into a critical 21st-century competency, and teachers, as the guiding stars in the education cosmos, play a pivotal role in imparting these skills to the next generation. However, it’s not just about teaching; it’s also about leading by example. In a transformative movement, teachers are actively participating in information literacy assessment, becoming champions of this vital skill themselves.

The Growing Significance of Information Literacy

In an era where the internet is a wellspring of information, misinformation, and disinformation, information literacy has emerged as a linchpin skill. The ability to discern credible sources, critically analyze information, and apply it to real-world problems is essential for students to thrive in the digital age. Teachers understand that instilling these skills is more than just a lesson; it’s an investment in their students’ future.

It’s often said that the best way to teach is by example. Recognizing this, educators are not merely imparting information literacy skills but actively engaging in the process themselves. They’re modeling the behavior they seek to nurture in their students, becoming living examples of information literate individuals.

Why Teachers Are Taking Part in Information Literacy Assessment

  1. Understanding the Challenges -Teachers appreciate the challenges that students face when navigating the digital landscape. By participating in information literacy assessment, they gain firsthand insights into the difficulties and complexities of evaluating online sources.
  2. Staying Updated – The digital realm is constantly evolving. Teachers who assess their own information literacy skills are more likely to stay updated with the latest trends and best practices, which they can then impart to their students.
  3. Becoming Better Guides – When teachers actively participate in information literacy assessment, they can better understand their students’ needs and struggles. This understanding enables them to tailor their guidance and support more effectively.
  4. Fostering Critical Thinking – Information literacy is closely linked to critical thinking. By evaluating and improving their own information literacy skills, teachers enhance their ability to foster critical thinking skills in their students.

Participating in information literacy assessment is not without its challenges. Teachers must confront their own limitations and actively work to enhance their information literacy skills. They must grapple with the vast amount of information available online and constantly reassess their methods for evaluating sources.

However, the rewards are immense. Teachers who take part in information literacy assessment are better equipped to guide their students through the digital maze. They become informed and critical thinkers, capable of distinguishing facts from fiction. This not only benefits their students but also positions them as role models for responsible digital citizenship.

The movement of teachers actively participating in information literacy assessment is transformative. It’s a movement where educators are not just teaching from a curriculum but actively engaging with their students in the quest for information literacy. It’s a movement that empowers teachers to lead the way in fostering responsible, ethical, and skilled information consumers.

As teachers continue to embrace the challenge of information literacy assessment, they exemplify the idea that learning is a lifelong journey. In doing so, they prepare their students not just for today’s digital world but for a future where the ability to navigate, evaluate, and apply information is a cornerstone of success and responsible citizenship.

mBlock Programming 2023/5 – SK Beserah, SK Bukit Pelindung, SK Kempadang, SK Cengal Lempung

43 participants from K Beserah, SK Bukit Pelindung, SK Kempadang, SK Cengal Lempung had participated in this program. A synopsis of the program can be retrieved via the following link.

Participants develop interactive games using block programming concepts.

Appreciation to Cikgu Diana for coordinating the communication between the participants and UMP STEM Lab.

Python Programming 2023/3 – PPD Pekan

*UMP STEM Lab Python Programming Synopsis can be found here.

35 students and teachers from SMK Sultan Ahmad, SMK Seri Pekan, SMK Pekan, SMK Nenasi, SMK Dato Mahmud Mat, SMK Indera Shahbandar & SMK Tengku Abdullah  had participated in this program. Students have gone through activities such as creating a video game and displaying data using Python Programming.

Thank you En Khairul from Pekan Education District Office for coordinating the communication between UMP STEM Lab and the participants.