DRE 2213 – Prog and Data Structure – Week 5

Hi DRE-ian,

The past 5 weeks, you’ve created your version of Slider Game. Throughout the development process, you’ve code the following in Python environment:-

  1. Game Window Properties (object oriented approach)
    1. Basic Programming Concepts in Python
    2. control statements
  2. Player Character Description,
    1. Programming Relevance – Python Basics
    2. Function Implementation
    3. Control Flow
  3. Player Movement Logic
    1. Programming Constructs
    2. Enemy Properties
    3. Programming Integration
  4. Enemy Behavior
    1. Scoring Logic
    2. Programming Elements
  5. Game Scoring Mechanism
    1. Logic Implementation
    2. Timing Systems,
    3. Data Structures

Wishing you all the best everyone in TEST 1 =)

Also, remember to submit your Assignment 1  – assessment between Nov 8th –  18th.

DRE 2213 – Prog and Data Structure – Week 4

Congratulations DRE-ian,

You have officially created your own game on Python!


As you may now reach the final step of your Slider Game activities, please complete the following checklist for for Week 4:-

  1. Upload your Replit codes (in .pdf format) for each, step 1 – 7, in Kalam (attendance is based on this submission)
  2. complete Quiz 4 (due by tomorrow)
  3. download instruction for DRE2213 Assignment (20%) from Kalam. Plan ahead the modifications that you would like to do. we’ll discuss this in the upcoming class
  4. revise for Test 1, scheduled on Tuesday Nov 7th

DRE 2213 – Prog and Data Structure – Week 3

Hi DRE-ians, below are->


Checklist for Week 3:-
  1.  Complete, compile and run the codes in Activity 3 – Player movement (individual)
  2. Complete, compile and run the codes in Activity 4 – Enemy Creation and movements (individual)
  3. Complete, compile and run the codes in Activity 5 – Collisions (individual)
  4. Answer Quiz 3 in KALAM (individual)
  5. 1-page infographic of Act 3 , 4 and 5 – submit it via google slides (do in pair)
  1. Digital colors 
  2. Pixel coordinate systems
  3. Act 3, 4 & 5 Instructions

DRE 2213 – Prog and Data Structure – Week 2

Hi DRE-ians, below are->
Checklist for Week 2:-
  1.  Complete, compile and run the codes in Activity 1 – Window creation (individual)
  2. Complete, compile and run the codes in Activity 2 – Player Creation (individual)
  3. Answer Quiz 1 and 2 in KALAM (individual)
  4. 1-page infographic of Act 1 and 2 – submit it via google slides (do in pair)
  1. Digital colors 
  2. Pixel coordinate systems
  3. Act 1 & Act 2 Instructions




DRE 3233 – Prog & Data Structure

Welcome to our class!

I am thrilled to embark on this exciting journey into the world of physical computing with each and every one of you. Over the next semester, we will explore the magic that happens when digital meets physical, learn crucial Python programming concepts, and leverage this knowledge to create an engaging and interactive “Slider Game.”

In our quest to create a captivating Slider Game, owe will put ourselves in the shoes of the players, pondering what would make this game truly enjoyable and intuitive. How can we design an experience that resonates with the players and leverages the unique physical interaction of the slider control?

Let’s embark on this adventure together, and may our Slider Game project be a testament to the incredible power of design thinking, physical computing, and Python programming.

Here’s to an unforgettable journey of learning, creativity, and innovation!

Student’s Taking PreTest