Week 5 – DRE, FYP2, SDP1- Progress Discussion

Week 5 progress – discussion on the progress of respective Final Year Project 2 (FYP2), Project Semester Akhir Diploma (PSAD) and Senior Design Project 1 (SDP1). These projects revolve around UMP STEM Cube and STEM Bot initiatives, focusing on diverse areas ranging from designing custom antennas with circular polarity, developing inter-canSat communication systems to detection system for ripeness of palm fruit.

Overall, the meeting reflected positive strides and promising developments across all projects. A brief overview of these project

Designing Custom Antenna with Circular Polarity: to enhancing antenna design for improved signal reception and transmission in UMP STEM Cube projects. It involves to optimize circular polarized antennas to ensure robust communication capabilities.

Indoor Navigation: to develop an indoor navigation systems for STEM Bot applications. This include making use of LIDAR / AI camera sensor fusion techniques and algorithms to enable precise localization and mapping within indoor environments.

Human-Machine Interaction with Miniature Robot: to  enhance human-machine interaction with miniature robots. This include developing intuitive control interfaces via voice and integrating gesture recognition technology to enable seamless interaction between users and robots.

CanSat for Environmental Monitoring: to deploy CanSat devices for environmental monitoring purposes. The team provided updates on sensor integration, data acquisition methods, and preliminary testing of the CanSat prototype.

Dashboard Development: to develop a comprehensive dashboard for monitoring and controlling various aspects of UMP STEM Cube and STEM Bot projects. They showcased their progress in designing user-friendly interfaces and implementing real-time data visualization features.

IntercanSat Communication Systems: to establish a communication systems between CanSat devices. They discussed their work on developing reliable communication protocols and testing the interoperability of communication modules.

Ripeness Detection of Palm Fruit: to detect the ripeness of palm fruit. This include sensor technologies, data analysis methods, and field testing protocols for accurately determining fruit ripeness.

These project involves advancing UMP STEM Cube and STEM Bot projects, as well as the innovative contributions to the agricultural technology. Their collaborative efforts are poised to make significant contributions to robotics, STEM education, environmental monitoring, and agricultural innovation. We look forward to witnessing further progress and success in the coming weeks.


SDP 2024 – Project Management Briefing

This semester, I’m having a team of 10 final year project students (DRE, BTS, BEL). It is both exciting and full of anticipation for the journey that lies ahead.  This cycle, students have the opportunity to  work with projects related to the miniaturized 2 wheel robot – STEM Bot and the STEM Cube pico satellite.

Whether you find yourselves fine-tuning the algorithms of the STEM Bot or meticulously calibrating the components of the STEM Cube, your attention to detail and perseverance will be commendable. Each step you take, each obstacle you overcome, brings you closer to your goal of engineering excellence.

Let’s recap the key insights and strategies I shared in our  briefing just now, aimed at guiding you toward excellence in your final year projects:

1. Vision and Planning
Refer to the list of reference articles given, plan ahead for  a good start – with a clear vision, define your goals, scope, and objectives, and create a detailed plan to guide you through the project.

2. Embrace the Literature
Conduct a structured literature review to understand the current state of the field and identify opportunities for innovation.

3. Scholarly Article Review
Develop the skill of critically evaluating scholarly articles to enhance the integrity and impact of your own project.

Which one of these 3 is a ‘review’ of the movie Maleficent?

4. Collaboration and Communication
Foster a culture of teamwork, effective communication, and constructive feedback to keep the project aligned and motivated.

5. Iterative Design Process:
Embrace the iterative nature of engineering by continuously designing, prototyping, testing, and refining your project.

6. Attention to Detail
Pay meticulous attention to detail in every aspect of your project to ensure precision and excellence in execution.

As you embark on your Senior Design Project journey, remember that success is not just about achieving the end goal but also about the lessons learned, the skills acquired, and the relationships forged along the way. Stay curious, stay resilient, and above all, never stop striving for excellence.