BEE4433 – Antenna Theory @ Propagation – Class Introduction

An overview of this course  is here: Antenna Theory and Propagation

I’ll be teaching Antenna Theory and Propagation, an elective course of BEE program, this semester.

Antenna enables wireless devices to communicate between one to another, it involves the art of manipulating electric current as to generate desired radiation.

Had a 1st online class today and looking forward for the next class.

BEE4433 Antenna Design – Final Class Jan 2021

January 27th 2021

In this final session, I’ve shared some of the research trends in antenna design. The topics covered for the past 13 weeks lays sufficient foundation for students to kick start their journey to explore the interesting areas in antenna researches.

I hope you enjoyed the online classes as much as I did for the past 13 weeks and all the best in your final exams.