Happy Chinese New Year 2019

The world is digital, but life is analog..
KTP (Lifelong Learning) cycle 1/2019 evaluation, involving external expert, Prof Dr Roselina Ahmad Saufi from Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
11 proposals were evaluated and ranked according to the criteria set by the Ministry of Education Malaysia.
January 24th
Alhamdulilah, KUB Malaysia Berhad had agreed to collaborate with UMP in one of its STEM Outreach Activity – 2019 Digital Literacy Program.
The outreach is scheduled to take place in March, September and November 2019.
On behalf of the Reading Makchixx, I would like to thank KUB Malaysia on this collaboration. Insyaallah, the details of this program will be be updated soon.
January 24th
Met discussed on potential collaborations between PNB-UMP in 2019 STEM based projects.
PNB were represented by:-
UMP and PNB had previously work in outreach programs such as Seminar Pelaburan, Hackathon Expoconvo and STEM SPell it right 2018.
January 25th
Met representatives from KPM (EPRD) and JPN Pahang to discuss on collaboration in organising 2019 STEM Colloquim.
The colloquim is set to take place sometime in May and activities include forum, round table, hands-on session and exhibitions.
Stay tuned for more updates.
January 23rd.
Met MDeC’s team:
Sumitra Nair, Vice President of Talent & Digital Entrepreneurship
Sharifah Nur Izma, Senior Manager eUsahawan
Nur Balkis, Manager, eUsahawan
Razin Zaidei, eUsahawan
Sofia Akmal, Senior Manager, #mydigitalmaker
Victor Lam, #mydigitalmaker
Among topic discussed include UMP STEM Lab 2019 activities, eUsahawan and eRezeki initiatives
OSHMO 1/2019 meeting.
Sesi penilaian projek STEM@UMP bagi tahun 2019.
January 9th, 2018
Exit meeting of the internal BHI-ICOE audit.
January 8th, 2018
Attended a 2-hour session with PERHEBAT and Nation Gate Penang.
Looking forward to collaborate with industries in doing STEM oriented activities.