To all teachers,
Carnegie Classification
Had video conference this morning regarding Carnegie Foundation Classification with our counterpart in Brown Swearer University.
IR4.0 Readiness Assessment Discussion
Had a meeting with Malaysia Productivity Cooperation (MPC) on the IR4.0 Readiness Assessment as one of industry4wd initiative. Presence were Dr Mazlina, En Nik Rosdi and Pn Norzirin Ramli.
Ramadhan 1440
INAP Roadshow – East Coast
May 3rd, Attended the Roadshow in Duyung Marina Resort Kuala Terengganu, promoting INAP, a professional platform for UMP Alumni.
RBTX Challenge Train The Trainers
Assisting Petrosains PlaySmart Kuantan in their RBTX TTT. 30 primary and secondary school teachers participated in this event.
This year, RBTX adopted MyInvent Motive Arduino Robots in their training. Among challenges included in the training were line tracer (simple junction selection), advance tracer (obstacles and multi colour lines) as well as sumo.
LevelUp @ School Program in UMP STEM Lab
A collaborative effort between MDeC and Forest Interactive and Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Level Up @ School introduces ‘Game Design’ to school children. 45 participants around Pahang attended this workshop in UMP STEM Lab.
Petrosains RBTX 2019 TTT
April 26th, 2019
Attended TTT on Petrosains Robotix Challenge 2019 in Playsmart Kuantan.
Young Innovate Training (Session 2)
April 24th, 2019
Mentored by Robocon UQD 2011 students, 14 teachers went for Arduino Programming training (2nd session). This is a part of Young Innovators Challenge 2019 program. The programming task in the training include:-
- Toggle switch
- Potentiometer
- Bluetooth connection
Discussion on Social Impact Study and Graduate Employability Program
APril 23rd, 2019
Meeting with NBO and YBR regarding initiatives on graduate employability and social impact study for community outreach programs.