October 1st, 2019

Had a great experience with UNHCR team in doing activities with the Rohingyian Refugee Community in Kg Balok Kuantan. Among items discussed in the focus group assessment are issues on education, health, livelihood and community engagement.

MySTEM Project Module 1 and 2 (SBPI Kuantan)

MySTEM Project

Session 1

At the end of this session, participants should be able:-
– to identify microcontrollers, electric components and its functionality
– to use Arduino / mBlocks to program input/output analog/digital
– to utilize functions (Data & Operators/Control Flow and Library)

Session 2

Participants are able to program STEMBot with the following functions:-
– line following
– obstacle avoidance

Day 2

Day 1

Robocon Mentor Training

35 Students (30 Robocon koQ students and 5  mySTEM mentors) undergone training relating to Arduino Robotics. Using UMP STEM Lab STEM Bot v2, students were introduced to basic Arduino syntax, programming concepts, 2-wheeled maneuvering and line following robotics.

This is part of the UQD2011 Robocon syllabus, right before they engage with school children in the mySTEM project.

There will be all together a participation of 300++ school children from Pahang  in this project, which mainly targets to expose young school children into robotics.