Pre BOE (1819 Sem 1) Co-Curricular Meeting

Presented UQD2011 Robocon performance in the Pre BOE (Board of Examination) Meeting in Student Affairs and Alumni Department.

In this semester, students undergone 6 weeks of training and the remaining 6 weeks engaging with school children, covering the following topics:-

  • mBlock Programming
  • Arduino Programming
  • mBot Robotics

There were 12 students who we also involved in 2018 Pahang Hackathon as mentors.

Assignments that were submitted in this semester are:-

  • Game Design via mBlock platform
  • Instructional plan (primary & secondary school children)
  • Engagement session

Kudos to all students – for scoring well in this subject.


Attended the 2019 APUCEN (Asia Pacific University Community Engagement Network) Malaysian section meeting in International Medical University (IMU) Bukit Jalil.

APUCEN is a network among institutions in doing community based activities. To date there are more than 15 participating universities in Malaysia, UMP being one of them.

Electronic System Design – Mini Project 1819 Sem I

For this semester, the topics for mini project (BEE 3343) are to design an FSM systems for:-

  1. air fryer
  2. washing machine
  3. pressure cooker
  4. elevator

Samples of online journal submitted relating to the project are:-

  1. Students: Harraz Irfan, Nurul Farah, Hamiza Sharifa

2. Students: Amirul Izwan, Kuken Raj, Phang Kha Shenh, Ros anis farihan

3. Students:  Nur Syazwan Bin Rosdi),  Muhammad Aliff Ashraff Bin Zulkiffli),  Imran Saifullah Bin Ishak),  Muhammad Syahir Bin Mohamad Rashid)

Research in STEM Education

December 26th, 2018

My UQD 2011 students participated in a post program survey (pre-program survey was done sometime in September 2018), conducted by Dr. Shamsul Arrieya bin Ariffin from UPSI. This is an exercise under the FRGS grant entitled, Identifying the contribution of Student generated activities for STEM by bringing your own mobile devices (BYOD) approach for local educational context.

Such a good learning experience for my students and me, especially in the context of STEM program evaluation.


UQD 2011 – Robocon – 2018/19 I Class Conclusion

For the past 15 weeks, each Robocon UQD2011 student have to engage in at least 3 sessions with school children. Topics covered include mBlock programming, mBot as well as Arduino Programming.

UQD 2011 Class Synopsis

Previous activities in 2018/19 Sem 1 can be reached via the following links:

Introduction to mBlock, Game Design

Below are the info-graphics of the final school engagement with the school kids. Very well done, guys!

UMP STEM Lab 2018 Summary

2018 has been a great year.

UMP STEM Lab has recorded the highest number of participation  – school children, teachers, UMP mentors and staff. Thank you very much for the overwhelming and continuous support. We will be having more programs in 2019, InSyaAllah.

For details, please visit:- 

Below are the 2018 highlights:-

2018 Summary
Pahang Hackathon 2018
2018 Pahang Foxhunting
The Reading Makchixx