Digital Literacy Program in SK Leban Chondong, Rompin

Oct 23 – 100 pre school children participated in this outreach program.

In 2016 we set up the Reading Makchixx, primarily to engage with preschool children. Back then we do story telling activities, unplug coding and now digital literacy program.

Digital literacy is about empowering young kiddos to take control of their involvement and interaction with digital devices – telephone, computer and television.

MySTEM Project Module 1 & 2 (SBPI Pekan)

This 2-day program encapsulate the fundamental of Arduino Programming, concept of analogue and digital sensing. Also included in the program is robotics and line tracing concepts.

Dyselexia Awareness Program & Strategic Collaboration with SK Seri Biram

Oct 17th, 2019

Dyselexia Awareness in workplace and in classroom.

The topic was elaborated perfectly by the speakers from Malaysian Dyslexic Society.

This program was initiated by teachers from SK Seri Biram, mainly targeting the special need children. This has today been extended to spread awareness to the society about Dyslexia and ways of coping with it.