UMP – Tunas Manja – ECERDC Strategic Collaboration

July 16th, 2020

STEM outreach initiative was proposed in the discussion between  Tunas Manja and ECERDC.

Attendees were:

    • Dato’ Chin Yoke Kan, the Managing Director of The Tunas Manja
    • Dato Mohd Mazlan Sharudin, the ECERDC Pahang General Manager
    • Mr Saifol Bahri Mohd Shamilan, ECERDC Investment Management Division General Manager
    • Prof Ir Dr Wan Azhar Wan Yusoff, UMP Vice Chancellor

Pahang Intellectual Discourse

Presented a proposal on intellectual discourse program involving industry experts, local governors and academician to the Pahang State Government Exco, YB. Dato’ Sri Norolazali Bin Sulaiman, SSAP., DIMP.
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kemudahan Asas, Sistem Penyampaian Awam dan Inovasi Negeri Pahang (KASPAIN).

Siri 1 will take place next week.

TinkerCAD Assignment

Please complete all 5 TinkerCAD assignment before July 24th 2020. The assignments are:-

  • Activity 1 – LED ON
  • Activity 2 – LED Blinking


  • Activity 3 – Analog Input


  • Activity 4 – Analog Input Digital Output


  • Activity 6 – Ultrasonic Sensor


  • Activity 7 – Timed Movement


2019/2020 Sem 2 – Teaching & Learning (Blended Learning Status)

This semester, I’ll be continuing to teach 3 courses:-

  • Antenna Design and Propagation – BEE 4433
  • Electronic System Design – BEE 3233
  • Robocon – UQD 2011

As the semester resumes, mode of teaching has shifted to online mode, where lectures, labs, and assessments are done online.

While the online mode is not new in UMP’s system, challenges to assure optimum learning experience do exist.

To all UMP students, welcome back. Look at this (online learning) as an opportunity – to learn beyond the limits of syllabus and classroom setup. Riding on the benefits of internet is a privilege for you, dear student. While distraction can be a big blunder of being online, staying true to your course/motivation to acquire as much knowledge/skills of a subject may help you to sail smoothly, InSyaAllah.