Engineering Education and Online Teaching Webinar

Attended 2 very informative and interesting webinars on Engineering Education and Online Teaching.

Engineering Education Rigorous Research is an area which I’ve been longing to be involved in since starting my career as a lecturer in UMP. I have yet to fully concentrate in it due to other commitments. I guess its about time to get things started, InSyaAllah.

Below are some snapshots of these interesting topic by Prof Dr Aliah Phang (UTM) and Prof Karim Alias (USM).

Plunging Into Covid-19 Impact

Analyze, Adapt and Agile.

Nothing is more relevant that those three verbs today. The Covid-19 MCO, not only has it spur changes to our lifestyle, it has as well pushed us away from our comfort zone – well, for the better 🙂 .

Today, I attended  three meetings, geographically hosted from 3 different places: Cyberjaya (MDeC – Master Training Briefing), Kuala Lumpur (EuroCham – Malaysia’s response to Covid-19), Petaling Jaya (The Star –  cXo2020: CEO Agenda for the Digital Economy). Now, if it’s not because of this new norm practices (online webinar / virtual classes), I may have to choose to attend only 1 .

Alhamdulilah, those 3 events were very informative and fruitful!

  1. EuroCham – Malaysia’s response to Covid-19


2. MDeC – Master Trainer Briefing

3. cXo2020: CEO Agenda for the Digital Economy

Engineering at the Edge of Disruption

An interesting conference by The Star on the topic of engineering from the edge of disruption.

Digitalization has indeed transformed our daily life experience. Though this topic has been talked about for quite sometime, it was only during the recent MCO – Covid-19 pandemic, the urgency to emerge in ‘digitalization’  happens. It’s either you ‘hop’ in the digitalization-wagon, or being left out.

Disruptive innovations, such as the internet, has as well became the catalyst for digitalization across almost every aspect of our life, including education, specifically engineering education. Not only are students/graduated  required to acquire the hard skills (those technical competencies), but also the  soft skills  (interpersonal skills). One must also be bold – to think out of  box or the least consistently redefining the ‘box’, in order to adapt with today’s digitalization agenda.

Looking forward to tomorrow’s – Day 2 agenda.

In the mean time, below are some of today’s snapshots:-