Research Conversation in STEM – Career

Hosted by Microsoft, this web conversation wan indeed an interesting one. A number of topics were discussed including:-

  • inspiration to be in STEM areas
    • not being afraid to venture into areas that you are interested in
  • fascination of the internet technology that lead to curiosity
  • making things/software for life betterment
    • moving forward with the changing ‘norm’
    • responding to changes

STEM Online: Arduino Robotics Programming 2021/1 SMK Tun Habab

Feb 8th – 9th

*UMP STEM Lab Arduino Programming Synopsis can be found here.

37 teachers and students of SMK Tun Habab participated in this program. Students gone through activities involving Arduino Programming and electronics systems.

Thank you Cikgu Khairul Anuar for coordinating the communication between UMP STEM Lab and SMK Tun Habab.

Day 1

Day 2

Closing remark by Pengetua SMK Tun Habab, Tuan Zakaria


Kits Delivered to School

BEE4433 Antenna Design – Final Class Jan 2021

January 27th 2021

In this final session, I’ve shared some of the research trends in antenna design. The topics covered for the past 13 weeks lays sufficient foundation for students to kick start their journey to explore the interesting areas in antenna researches.

I hope you enjoyed the online classes as much as I did for the past 13 weeks and all the best in your final exams.

BEE 4433 Antenna & Propagation : Radio Propagation

Today’s class is on the final chapter of Antenna & Propagation: Radio Propagation.

It is important for an antenna designer to understand the propagation concepts, as radio wave propagation and reception are heavily affected by them. Among topic that is included in this chapters are propagation model, mechanism and fading.

Assignment: Project (10%)

An instruction for Antenna Project Design has been uploaded in KALAM. The project involves to design a microstip antenna with circular polarization properties for application in GPS devices.

Assignment: Journal Review (10%)

Here, the assignment is to review 3 articles, either from the given articles in KALAM or from the one downloaded from Google Scholar / IEEExplore.

The video below shows the common practices in scientific article review.

BEE 4433 Antenna Theory – Antenna Measurement

Dec 31st, 2020

Good antenna measurements don’t just happen

Today’s class covers the topic of antenna measurement, which is essential in antenna design verification process. There are a  number of techniques such as near field and far field. Measurement equipment for a typical antenna measurement setup are network analyzer, signal generator, positioner (turn table) and spectrum analyzer.

A good measuring setup presents minimal discrepancies between the measured and simulated results.