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Sesi Penilaian AKIM – 2nd Cycl2
Lawatan Benchmarking UniMAP – UMP

Discussion Digital Blueprint
Discussion Potential Collaboration UMP and DHL
Mesyuarat BMTKM
ITS A WRAP!1. Well done and congratulations for graduating our Digital Ninja Accelerator Lab 2022. All of you have laughed, cried, toiled and kept your sanity throughout our accelerator gauntlet, kudos! I think it is apt to quip the lab summary with one of our favourite poet, Ibn Rumi:2. To the Winner of Battle of the Ninja, Team Seed, good job! A good pitch not only attempts to meet all the requirements of the challenge but also has to be able to catch the hearts of the judges through creativity and confidence. – “Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.”3. To the Finalists, Semi-Finalists and all other hard-fought teams, it wasn’t an easy decision for the judges along each round so commiserations and also good job! Becoming a great inventor also involves many failures and pivots. Goals are what we decide, and our plan it the path we set our selves upon, to some of you, it took a while to start your journey, to some you got lost along the way, but we hope even if the journey is still long, our Digital Ninjas are always the ones to presevere no matter the obstacle. – “Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.”4. The trainers knows the hurdles we set up for all of you are not easy. To the young, we challenged them to grow, to the older ones, we challenged them to lead. To believe in your potential, not your current capabilities. Our methods may seem harsh, but know that we all have nothing but love for ALL OF YOU (yes including and ESPECIALLY the infamous ones… you know who you are). Sleepless nights were not forced upon any of you but most of you chose it out of pushing your limits to test your mettle. You may have been bruised, exhausted, anguished, distraught, panicked and disheartened, but all of you are still young and many more challenges lies ahead. If you didn’t falter up to today, we are confident you will do well back home to where you are. -“I know you’re tired but come, this is the way.”5. To the Form 4 Ninjas, this would be the final Accelerator Lab for you (while it may be the first for some), we hope this Lab has created and impression on you and provided a good exposure to how much more you will need to know to succeed in the real world. We wish you all the best for your final year exams, and god willing catch up again after to help with your scholarship and further studies. – “Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment. Cleverness is mere opinion. Bewilderment brings intuitive knowledge.”6. To the younger Ninjas, remember your responsibility to your communities. As a representative and a catalyst to develop more digitalmakers around you. Take your experience and the lessons learnt here and spread it to your friends and family. Keep improving and we hope to see you again next year! “Be full of sorrow, that you may become a hill of joy; weep, that you may break into laughter.”7. While we may sometime go cross-eyed with anger trying to stymie your respective antics and characters (God bless them), we always place our Ninjas interest above our own and we hope this sincerity is contagious like the potential covid scare just now. – “Everything that is made beautiful and fair and lovely is made for the eye of one who sees.”Thank you for the awesome experience as always learning together with you guys. Have a good night and a safe journey home.
Q on behalf of Transition
Pelancaran Empower ECER UMPA
Bersama MB Johor di Mersing Johor.

Discussion Program MySI BERA
Celik Digital Symposium Day 2
SESSION 4: Critical Thinking in Media and Information Literacy
Prof. Dr. Ali Gunes
Ankara Medipol University, Turkey