UMP – Bosch Rexroth Academy

UMP – Bosch Rexroth Academy is a unique collaboration between Bosch Rexroth, the world leader in control and drive industries, and Universiti Malaysia Pahang aimed at accelerating the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies, such as the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and big data analytics. The Academy provides a platform for businesses and universities to work together on research and development projects that will help to drive the digital transformation of industry.

One of the key advantages of UMP – Bosch Rexroth Academy is that it provides businesses with access to cutting-edge research and development in Industry 4.0 technologies. By working with academic experts, businesses can tap into the latest advancements in these technologies, which can help to improve their competitiveness and growth. For example, researchers at the Academy can help businesses to develop and test new technologies, such as predictive maintenance systems, that can increase efficiency and reduce downtime in manufacturing processes.

In addition to driving technological advancements, the UMP – Bosch Rexroth Academy also provides students with valuable hands-on experience in developing and implementing Industry 4.0 technologies. By working with businesses on real-world projects, students can gain practical experience in applying their academic knowledge to solve industry problems, which will help them to develop a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by businesses in this field.

UMP – Bosch Rexroth Academy looks forward to fostering close collaboration between businesses and universities, so that the research and development projects at the Academy are aligned with the practical needs of industry. This can be achieved through initiatives such as regular meetings between industry partners and academic researchers, and by providing funding for joint projects that are focused on real-world problems.

UMP – Bosch Rexroth Academy lean on three main pillars, namely; to offer top notch IR 4.0 capacity building programs, Hi-Tech IR 4.0 Training Center and National IR 4.0 Ecosystem.

Through capacity building programs, UMP – Bosch Rexroth Academy serves as a platform for industry driven curriculum programs in UMP. These accredited programs include Bachelor of Technology, Bachelor of Engineering Technology and Bachelor of Engineering. Through this pillar, UMP students are able to gain first-hand experience of industrial automation equipment. We strongly believe that Bosch Rexroth Academy competency certification on IR 4.0 adds value to UMP graduates, especially in today’s competitive job market.

UMP – Bosch Rexroth Academy is a Hi-Tech IR 4.0 Training Center. Via the center, UMP Staff and students have Access to Bosch Rexroth Technology. As a frontier and a leading player in the control and drive industry, Bosch Rexroth has certainly a lot to offer especially in the cutting edge of the manufacturing industry. Via the Competency certification programs that we have in the pipeline, we look forward to maximize the potential and excellence of individuals in the IR 4.0 workforce through reskilling and upskilling opportunities. We hope to extend these opportunities not only to UMP communities but to all the whole nation.

The final yet the most important pillar of the academy is the UMP – Bosch Rexroth Academy plays a vital role in supporting the National IR 4.0 Agenda. Via this academy, we look forward to drives IR4.0 migration among industries especially in the East Coast of Malaysia potentially could accelerate Malaysia’s digital transformation, which includes building a skilled IR 4.0 ready workforce. By supplementing our ongoing program with UMP – Bosch Rexroth Academy content as well as Bosch industry insights, students gets the opportunity to strengthen their skills and enhance the availability of IR 4.0 ready talent in the country.

Today, 26 students of Bachelor of Technology received their competent certifications in PLC Programming with IDE IndraWorks Engineering and Bosch Modular Mechatronics System Basic Application.

UMP looks forward to forging a long-term partnership and collaboration particularly in the area of competency and student development program, reskilling and upskilling as well as executive programs with your esteemed organizations.

UMP – Bosch Rexroth Academy has the potential to drive the digital transformation of industry. By providing businesses with access to cutting-edge research and development in Industry 4.0 technologies, and by educating the next generation of workers and leaders in this field, the Center has the potential to play a critical role in bridging the gap between academic research and practical industry needs. By doing so, the Industry-Academia 4.0 Center can help to drive the wider adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies, which will have far-reaching benefits for businesses, workers, and society as a whole.

PTS UMP Bosch Rexroth Academy – Driving Digital Transformation for SMEs

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in the global economy, providing jobs and driving innovation. However, many SMEs still struggle to keep pace with the rapid digital transformation that is transforming businesses and industries around the world. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the challenges and opportunities of driving digital transformation among SMEs, and to suggest ways that SMEs can harness digital technologies to improve their competitiveness and growth.

One of the biggest challenges faced by SMEs in driving digital transformation is a lack of resources, both in terms of funding and skilled personnel. Many SMEs have limited budgets and are unable to invest in the latest digital technologies, such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things. This lack of investment makes it difficult for SMEs to compete with larger companies that have greater resources and are better able to adopt and implement new technologies.

Another challenge faced by SMEs is a lack of understanding of the potential benefits of digital transformation. Many SMEs see digital technologies as an added expense, rather than as a valuable investment in their future. This can make it difficult to convince SME owners and managers to invest in digital technologies and to implement them effectively.

Despite these challenges, there are many opportunities for SMEs to drive digital transformation and reap the benefits of digital technologies. One of the key opportunities is to improve their operational efficiency, by automating processes and reducing manual labor. For example, many SMEs can use cloud computing to store and manage their data, reducing the need for manual data entry and allowing employees to access information from anywhere at any time.

Another opportunity for SMEs is to reach new customers and markets through digital channels. For example, social media, e-commerce, and digital advertising can help SMEs to reach a wider audience and to promote their products and services more effectively. This can help SMEs to expand their customer base, increase sales, and grow their businesses.

In order to drive digital transformation among SMEs, there are several steps that can be taken. Firstly, SMEs need to educate themselves about the benefits of digital technologies and to understand the ways in which they can improve their competitiveness and growth. They should also invest in the necessary digital technologies, such as cloud computing, AI, and IoT, and should seek the support of experts who can help them to implement these technologies effectively.

Today, Professional Talk Series 2023/1 featured Mr Darren Chan, the CEO of Bosch Rexroth Malaysia to talk on the topic of ‘Driving Digital Transformation Among SMEs’. Darren emphasized the critical role that academia plays in accelerating the adoption of digital technologies among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). He adds that the academic community has a unique and important role to play in bridging the gap between the cutting-edge advancements in digital transformation and the needs of SMEs.

According to Darren, academia has access to cutting-edge research and development in digital transformation technologies. By working with SMEs, academia can help to translate these advancements into practical solutions that meet the needs of these businesses. For example, researchers at universities can work with SMEs to develop and test new technologies, such as autonomous vehicles, that have the potential to revolutionize the manufacturing sector.

In addition to driving technological advancements, Darren mentioned that academia can also play a critical role in educating the next generation of workers and leaders in the field of digital transformation. By providing students with hands-on experience in developing and implementing digital technologies, universities can equip them with the skills and knowledge they need to drive digital transformation in the workplace. Furthermore, by working with SMEs, students can gain valuable experience in applying their academic knowledge to real-world problems, which will help them to develop a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by these businesses.

On the other hand, Darren also acknowledges that academia must overcome several challenges in order to effectively support the acceleration of digital transformation among SMEs. One of the biggest challenges is the need to bridge the gap between academia and industry, by fostering close collaboration between universities, SMEs, and the public sector. This can be achieved through initiatives such as technology transfer programs, industry-academia partnerships, and government funding for research and development in digital transformation.

Towards the end of the talk, Darren highlights the critical role that academia can play in accelerating digital transformation among SMEs. By driving technological advancements, educating the next generation of workers and leaders, and fostering close collaboration with industry, academia has the potential to play a key role in bridging the gap between cutting-edge research and the practical needs of SMEs. By doing so, academia can help to drive the wider adoption of digital technologies in the manufacturing sector, which will have far-reaching benefits for businesses, workers, and society as a whole.

In conclusion, driving digital transformation among SMEs is a challenging but rewarding process that can help SMEs to improve their competitiveness and growth. By investing in digital technologies and implementing them effectively, SMEs can reap the benefits of digital transformation and achieve success in the digital age.

Also present in the talk are Pn Nadia Zam Zam, the Director of MIDA Pahang, Ir Dr Nurul Hazlina Noordin – AVC and Assoc Prof Hamdan Bin Daniyal – Dean of FTKEE. The talk is aired live via ICON YouTube Channel.

Perasmian Program SULAM FSTI (MRSM Kuantan)

Program SULAM pada hari ini menyahut saranan dari pihak Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi untuk mendekati komuniti. Ia merupakan satu inisiatif transformatif dan fleksibel yang merujuk kepada kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran. di mana ia menggabungkan hasil pembelajaran kursus dengan khidmat komuniti.

Melalui prgram ini pelajar pra siswazah dan pensyarah berinteraksi dengan komuniti bagi menyelesaikan permasalahan setempat dengan menggunakan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang mereka pelajari di bilik kuliah. 

Program SULAM ‘Who’s That Pokemon? We Catch Them All’ pada hari ini di inspirasikan oleh wabak Covid 19 yang melanda dunia sejak tahun 2020.
Sebagaimana ang diketahui umum, Wabak ini berpunca dari Virus SARS-CoV-2 sebesar 0.1 mikrometer. Virus seumpama ini salah satu dari beribu-ribu microb yang wujud di dunia ciptaan Allah ini.

Mikrob ini terlalu kecil untuk dilihat dengan mata kasar. Ia masih boleh memberi kesan yang begitu ketara kepada keseluruhan manusia. Namun begitu mikrob seumpama ini memainkan peranan yang penting dalam aktiviti seharian kita.

Objektif program pada hari ini bertujuan untuk berinteraksi dan mendidik adik-adik di Maktab Rendah Sains Mara Kuantan tentang kehadiran mikrob dalam persekitaran kita. Walaupun ia boleh menyebabkan penyakit melalui jangkitan bakteria atau virus, mikrob adalah bahagian penting dalam kehidupan harian kita. Kewujudan mikrob mempunyai impak yang ketara ke atas beberapa bidang, termasuk ekologi alam semula jadi serta industri seperti makanan, perubatan, dan juga bahan api.

Apa yang menarik dan unik dalam program hari ini, Peserta akan diperkenalkan kepada teknologi teknologi penjujukan genom (genome sequencing), yang yang membolehkan kita membaca urutan nukleotida DNA sesebuah mikrob dalam masa yang singkat.

Tahniah kepada penganjur program yang bertungkus lumus menjayakan program. Bagi pihak pengurusan Universiti Malaysia Pahang, saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pihak pengurusan Maktab Rendah Sains Mara Kuantan, terutamanya Tuan Pengetua, MOHD ZAKI BIN AB. RASHID kerana sudi dan menyambut baik program SULAM pada hari ini. Juga tahniah kepada Tuan Dekan , Ts. DR SAIFFUL KAMALUDDIN BIN MUZAKIR @ LOKMAN dan pengarah program DR HAJAR FAUZAN BIN AHMAD, atas inisiatif ini.

Kepada pelajar UMP yang terlibat pada hari ini, teruskan usaha mendekati dan menyantuni komuniti dengan ilmu yang dipelajari. Semoga program pada hari ini akan memberikan inspirasi kepada adik-adik mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang penjujukan genom dan meluaskan perspektif tentang kehidupan mikrob yang mengelilingi kit.