mBlock Programming 2024/1 – SK Kempadang

A synopsis of the program can be retrieved via the following link.

In the program, 30 participants from SK Kempadang were introduced to mBlock programming, learning to use its graphical interface to create sequences of instructions. They explored sequential programming, conditional statements, and loops through hands-on tutorials. These foundational skills were applied in two projects: a Snake game and a Pac-Man game. In the Snake game, they programmed the snake’s movement, growth, and collision detection, while in the Pac-Man game, they navigated a maze, collected points, and avoided ghosts. This approach provided a comprehensive understanding of programming concepts and their practical applications.

Appreciation to Cikgu Akmal for coordinating the communication between the participants and UMP STEM Lab.


Arduino Robotics 2024/2 – Mahaad Tahfiz Negeri Pahang

*UMP STEM Lab Arduino Robotics Programming Synopsis can be found here.

The Arduino robotics programming session focused on introducing 35  students and teacher, from Mahaad Tahfiz Negeri Pahang (MNTP), to the fundamentals of coding and robotics using Arduino microcontrollers. The content covered basic coding concepts and gradually progressed to advanced topics such as line following algorithms. Through hands-on exercises and projects, students gained practical experience in programming Arduino boards to control a miniature 2-wheel robotic systems. The session successfully engaged students in interactive learning activities, fostering their understanding of robotics principles and enhancing their coding skills.

A special appreciation is extended to Cikgu Adilla for her exceptional coordination in facilitating communication between the participants and the UMP STEM Lab.


Arduino Programming 2024/5 – SMK Paloh Hinai

UMP STEM Lab Arduino Programming can be found here.

Throughout the course, 36 participants were introduced to the concepts of programming loops, conditional statements, and sequential execution. Activities include controlling multiple LEDs, understanding the concept of digital output, using a photoresistor to expand their understanding of sensor interfacing, integrating analog sensors with Arduino and controlling digital outputs based on sensor readings. Towards the end, participants visualize data and messages using an OLED display.

Thank you Cikgu Affandi for coordinating the communication between UMP STEM Lab and the participants.