BTE 3232 Communication System Design – Test 2 – The Timeless Elegance of AM Modulation in the Era of 5G :)

Dear BTE-ian,

So, today is Test 2.

I am thrilled to witness your dedication and enthusiasm as you tackle Test 2 :), delving into the intricate world of Amplitude Modulation (AM).

Even in today’s an era dominated by the marvels of 5G and cutting-edge communication systems, you might be wondering why we still have the fundamentals of AM modulation in  your syllabus…

Let me share some insights that highlight the enduring relevance of AM modulation, even in today’s rapidly advancing technological landscape.

The Time-Tested Elegance of AM Modulation
Amplitude Modulation is a technique that has stood the test of time, continues to play a crucial role in the context of communication systems. While it may seem like a relic of the past, AM modulation possesses certain attributes that make it indispensable, particularly in certain applications.

1. Robustness and Simplicity
One of the key reasons for the enduring relevance of AM lies in its robustness and simplicity. Unlike more complex modulation schemes, AM is relatively straightforward to implement and offers robust performance in challenging environments. Its simplicity allows for cost-effective and energy-efficient communication solutions, making it an attractive choice for various applications, including broadcasting.

2. Efficient Use of Bandwidth
AM modulation utilizes bandwidth efficiently, a characteristic that becomes increasingly important in the era of spectrum scarcity and the proliferation of wireless devices. In scenarios where bandwidth is a precious resource, AM modulation provides an effective means of transmitting information without imposing excessive demands on the available frequency spectrum.

AM Modulation in the Heterogeneous Radio Structure
As we navigate through the intricacies of modern communication systems, the concept of a heterogeneous radio structure becomes paramount. In this context, AM modulation finds its place alongside more advanced modulation schemes within a diversified framework.

1. Complementing Digital Communication
While digital modulation techniques dominate the landscape, AM modulation complements these methods in a heterogeneous radio structure. It can coexist harmoniously with digital signals, offering versatility in addressing different communication requirements.

Recall the heterogenous radio structure in this video, shared in week 1 before:-

2. Niche Applications
AM modulation is well-suited for niche applications, such as long-range broadcasting and point-to-point communication. In the heterogeneity of today’s communication landscape, where diverse needs must be met, AM modulation provides a valuable tool in the engineer’s arsenal.

The Wider Picture: AM Modulation in the Age of 5G
As you tackle Test 2, it’s essential to understand that while 5G and advanced communication systems are at the forefront of technological innovation, the foundations laid by AM modulation still influence the broader picture. The principles you are learning in this laboratory are building blocks that contribute to your understanding of the dynamic and evolving world of communication systems.

To all my Section 1 students in BTE 3232 Communication System Design Laboratory, I extend my heartfelt wishes for success in Test 2. Embrace the challenges with the knowledge that you are acquiring skills that will serve you well in the ever-evolving field of electrical and electronics engineering.

May your understanding of AM modulation be as clear as the signals it transmits, and may you emerge from this test with newfound insights and confidence. Best of luck!

Nurul – Jan 4th, 24

DRE 2213 – Programming and Data Structure – Week 13 – Project Development

Well done DRE-ian on your positive progress in accomplishing your Programming and Data Structures Assessment – Project on RPi.

Remember the project instructions are aimed at this 3 main cores:-

Phase 1: Exploring the Sensor Universe

Armed with Raspberry Pi boards, you are able to connect with a myriad of sensors to capture real-world data. From temperature and humidity readings to motion detection, exploring the vast universe of sensors. The goal? To master the art of reading data from these devices, laying the groundwork for practical applications in various engineering domains.

Why Sensors?
Understanding and interacting with sensors is fundamental in fields like automation, IoT, and smart systems. You are not just learning about sensors; they are actively engaging with them, bridging the gap between theory and real-world applications.

Phase 2: Building the Database Foundation

Having conquered the realm of sensors, you can now seamlessly transition into the world of databases. They’re not just crunching numbers; they’re crafting a robust system to store and organize the data you’ve collected. The emphasis here is on efficiency—structuring information in a way that’s both accessible and scalable.

Why Databases?
The ability to manage and retrieve data is a crucial skill in today’s data-driven world. This is where you gain firsthand experience in building databases :), a skill set that transcends disciplines and industries.

Phase 3: Crafting Visual Narratives

As the project unfolds, you should be able to weave your data into compelling visual narratives. From line graphs tracking temperature changes to interactive dashboards showcasing motion patterns, the emphasis is on transforming raw data into meaningful insights.

Why Visualization?
In a world inundated with information, the skill of visualization is a powerful tool. Our students are not only learning to code; they are becoming storytellers, conveying complex information through captivating visuals.

At the core of this journey is the fusion of programming and data structures. Remember that you are not merely coding; you are constructing logical frameworks, understanding algorithms, and applying this knowledge to real-world challenges.

Why Raspberry Pi?
Raspberry Pi serves as the canvas for this creative endeavor. Its accessibility and versatility make it the perfect playground for our students to explore, experiment, and innovate.


To all the students grappling with resistors, wrangling with wires, and wrestling with hardware intricacies—remember that the journey is just as important as the destination. As you navigate the intricate world of hardware, each hiccup is an opportunity to grow. The challenges you face today will be the stories you tell tomorrow – well, next week during the presentation slot :).

Most importantly, don’t be disheartened by a few setbacks; they’re part of the journey.

Hardware is tough, but so are you. So, keep tinkering, keep exploring, and most importantly, don’t give up.




UMP STEM Lab: Raspberry Pi Programming – Program Synopsis

Are you ready to delve into the exciting world of Internet of Things (IoT) with Raspberry Pi?

Join us for an immersive course where we will harness the potential of UMP STEM Cube as our platform, utilizing the Raspberry 3 / Pi Zero and MicroPython to embark on a journey of innovation and discovery!

In this course, you will:

  • Learn the Foundations: Gain a solid understanding of the Raspberry Pi Zero and its capabilities, setting the stage for your IoT adventures.
  • Master MicroPython: Dive into the world of MicroPython, a powerful and efficient programming language tailored for microcontrollers. Unlock the potential to program your Raspberry Pi Zero with ease and flexibility.
  • Explore IoT Applications: Get hands-on experience with a range of IoT activities, including LED blinking, interfacing with sensors such as the BME280 for environmental monitoring, utilizing displays for data visualization, and even integrating camera modules for image capture and processing.
  • Create Innovative Projects: Put your newfound knowledge into practice by designing and building your own IoT projects. From simple sensor monitoring systems to more complex applications, the possibilities are endless!
  • Receive Mentor Guidance: Benefit from the guidance of experienced UMP STEM Lab mentors who will provide support and mentorship every step of the way. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced maker, there’s always something new to learn and explore.

This course is perfect for:

  1. Students eager to expand their skills in programming and IoT.
  2. Makers and enthusiasts interested in experimenting with Raspberry Pi and MicroPython.
  3. Anyone curious about the potential of IoT and its real-world applications.

Join us on this exciting journey as we unlock the potential of Raspberry Pi IoT using UMP STEM Cube. Get ready to unleash your creativity and make your mark in the world of digital innovation!

DRE 2312 – Computer Programming and Data Structure – Communication Protocols: I2C, SPI, and UART

Dear DRE-ian,

Let’s delve into the communication protocols – specifically, I2C, SPI, and UART. Recall Activity 4 DRE 2312 – you’ve already dipped your toes into BME280 sensor – to read humidity, temperatures and pressure using Raspberry Pi.

Take a closer look at these protocols that make data exchange between devices a seamless experience.

In the world of electronics, devices must communicate with each other effectively. Think of communication protocols as the languages that allow different components to exchange information. Among these protocols, I2C, SPI, and UART stand out for their versatility and widespread use.

  1. I2C – Inter-Integrated Circuit: Connecting the Dots
    • Imagine I2C as a busy highway where multiple vehicles (devices) can communicate using a shared set of lanes (bus) – Scroll below to the animation by Parlezvaustech.
    • This two-wire protocol allows seamless communication between devices, enabling your Raspberry Pi to effortlessly collect data from I2C-enabled sensors.
    • It’s like having a network of devices, each with its own unique address, sharing information along the I2C highway.
  2. SPI – Serial Peripheral Interface: High-Speed Data Exchange
    • SPI, on the other hand, is like a private road system, providing high-speed, full-duplex communication between devices.
    • Each device on the SPI bus has its own dedicated communication lines, making it ideal for scenarios where speed and real-time data exchange are crucial.
    • This protocol is the key to unlocking the full potential of advanced sensors in your projects.
  3. UART – Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter: Simple and Reliable Communication
    • If I2C and SPI are like highways and private roads, then UART is like a two-way radio communication system.
    • This protocol involves two wires, one for transmitting and one for receiving. UART is simple, reliable, and widely used for connecting devices over short distances.
    • Your Raspberry Pi can easily communicate with UART-enabled sensors, making it a valuable tool in your programming arsenal.

Recall Activity 4 in Part B RPi: Controlling Sensors with Raspberry Pi
Now, let’s bring theory into practice. Imagine a scenario where you want your Raspberry Pi to collect temperature data from an I2C temperature sensor, pressure data from an SPI pressure sensor, and transmit the combined information to another device using a UART connection. With the knowledge of these communication protocols, you can seamlessly integrate these sensors into your projects, opening doors to a world of possibilities.

Challenges and Solutions: Troubleshooting in the World of Protocols
As you embark on your programming journey, you may encounter challenges in working with these protocols. Fear not! From addressing address conflicts in I2C to handling clock synchronization in SPI, understanding the common pitfalls and their solutions is crucial for becoming a proficient engineer.

The Future of Communication Protocols: Beyond DRE 2213 🙂
As you progress in your studies, you’ll discover that the world of communication protocols is ever-evolving. New standards and technologies emerge, and the ability to adapt is key. Whether you’re designing embedded systems, IoT devices, or robotics, a solid understanding of communication protocols will be your guiding light.

In the context of electrical and electronics engineering, mastering communication protocols is akin to learning a universal language. I2C, SPI, and UART are the cornerstones of seamless data exchange, and as you continue your programming journey, these protocols will become invaluable tools in your arsenal. So, buckle up, as you explore the exciting world of I2C, SPI, and UART – the languages that bring your electronic creations to life!

DRE 2213 – Prog and Data Structure – Design Thinking

Dear DRE-ian,

Congratulations on successfully completing Part B of our program! It’s evident that you’ve progressed beyond the novice stage, and what better way to mark this milestone than by embarking on a project. As you step into the next phase of your journey, we encourage you to choose a project topic from the provided list of five options. To express your interest and commitment, kindly register using the Google link shared earlier.

I encourage you to apply Design Thinking Strategies, which we discussed in class today, to shape and refine your project. The knowledge and skills you’ve acquired over the past 10 weeks serve as a solid foundation for you to actively contribute to the open-source community. Python, being a key focus, provides a fantastic starting point, and please explore additional techniques that can enhance and enrich your solution.

The deadline for project submissions is December 31st, and we have scheduled presentations for January 10th, 2024. This is a great opportunity for you to showcase your creativity, problem-solving abilities, and the application of your newfound knowledge.

I am excited to see what you will create 🙂 and how you will contribute to the open-source community.

Your project holds the potential to make a meaningful impact, and we look forward to witnessing your journey and success. Best of luck with your project development!