Publication 2024/2 – Assessing Information Literacy Levels Among Underprivileged Communities

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Today digital literacy is crucial for personal and professional growth, understanding and improving Media and Information Literacy (MIL) among underprivileged communities is more important than ever. I’m excited to share my recently published study 🙂 in the Journal of Media Literacy Education (Vol. 16, Iss. 2, 2024 Q2). This journal documented the work with regards to the levels of MIL within the underprivileged/underrepresented communities, uncovering both strengths and areas needing improvement.

This work is inspired by the experiences gained through the Celik Digital @ UMP STEM Lab project, in collaboration with the UNESCO Information for All Programme (IFAP) back in 2020, where the four dimensions of MIL were explored: access, evaluate, create, and awareness. This foundation laid the groundwork for this research, focusing on underprivileged communities in Pahang, Malaysia, during 2021-2022. Understanding the unique challenges faced by these communities, the study sought to break the cycle of poverty by enhancing information and media literacy.

Motivated by the previous work and need to provide targeted interventions, this study aimed to assess the MIL levels among 366 participants from underprivileged backgrounds. Rooted in the UNESCO MIL framework, we concentrated on evaluating the participants’ abilities to retrieve, critically evaluate, and manage information, as well as their awareness of data privacy.

The findings revealed several critical insights:

  1. Digital Literacy and online behavior, where it highlighted varying levels of digital literacy among the participants. While some showed proficiency in basic digital tasks, there were significant gaps in higher-order skills such as critical evaluation and ethical content creation.
  2. Awareness of data privacy was another crucial aspect assessed in this study. It became evident that while some participants were aware of basic privacy practices, there was a need for more comprehensive education on protecting personal information online.
  3. The findings emphasized the importance of targeted interventions tailored to the specific needs of underprivileged communities. Enhancing critical thinking skills, promoting effective online communication strategies, and fostering a deeper understanding of digital security were identified as key areas for improvement.

I believe this study offer some input for policymakers, educators, and community organizations. By understanding the unique challenges faced by underprivileged communities, targeted interventions can be developed to narrow the digital divide. Enhancing MIL within these communities is not just about providing access to technology but also about equipping individuals with the skills needed to navigate the digital world responsibly and effectively.

By focusing on enhancing digital literacy among underprivileged communities, individuals (including the vulnerable segment of underprivileged communities) are empowered to make informed decisions, protect their privacy, and engage meaningfully in the digital society.