Project Ninja Slot 6 @ SK Sultan Ahmad

42 school children and teachers participated in this program, held in SK Sultan Ahmad Pekan.

The program embeds UMP STEM Bot module which is broadly divided into 3 segments as below:- 

  1. Introduction to signal behavior: digital/analog input, digital/analog output  
    • here, students start to do simple programming instructions to light the LEDs on the STEM Bot, variations of blinking sequence,
    • later move on into reading analog signals from IR sensors 
    • and writing signals on OLED 
  2. Robot Movement: PWM, motor direction
    • moving into the second segment, students start to to program UMP STEM Bot as a robot – time based (movement based on time), following certain routes such as forward, reverse, square, and round
  3. Line following robotics: line detection, junction choices  
    • in the final segment, students program UMP STEM Bot to follow certain routes (based on a given line track) as well as taking junctions.