In my pursuit of knowledge 🙂 , I recently stumbled upon a captivating book that has significantly enriched my understanding of Design Thinking and its application in the context of innovation. This book, simply titled “Design Thinking and Innovation Metrics,” published by Wiley, has been a delightful companion on my journey. Well, those 214 pages altogether, which were read mostly in flights.
One sunny day back in August 2023, while perusing the Kinokuniya promotional rack, those cute illustrations adorning the book’s cover immediately caught my eye. Aesthetic appeal aside, it was the promise of unraveling the intricacies of Design Thinking that piqued my interest. I then decided that RM 110 is worthwhile bargain and brought this into my 2023 must finish book list.
One of the chapters that I found particularly valuable was the one on “Finding Your North Star.” It resonated with me deeply, as it provided insights on how to define a clear vision, a guiding light, for any innovative endeavor. In the context of UMP STEM Lab, this concept couldn’t be more relevant. It reminds me to set a clear path, a direction that aligns with our mission to foster creativity and innovation.
Another noteworthy section discussed the crucial difference between the exploration and exploitation phases of innovation. This distinction is akin to a compass, guiding us through the turbulent waters of innovation. It reminds us that not all stages of innovation are the same, and understanding when to explore new territories and when to exploit existing resources is key to sustainable progress.
As I delved deeper into the book, it was impossible not to draw parallels with the journey of UMP STEM Lab. Our mission to cultivate innovative thinking and practical problem-solving skills in young minds has many parallels with the principles outlined in this book. The book’s closing pages left me feeling incredibly motivated to continue our journey, to keep pushing the boundaries of innovation, and to inspire the next generation of thinkers and creators.
In fact, I firmly believe that the content of this book is not only suitable for undergraduates or professionals but also for school children. The concepts presented are so fundamental that they can be introduced at an early age, nurturing the roots of innovation. I look forward to integrating some of these insights into our STEM Lab modules to make our educational approach even more enriching and effective.