Project Ninja TTT Bootcamps @ UMP STEM Lab

Feb 22nd – 23rd

Mentored by 5 UMP STEM Lab mentors, 30 Robocon 19/20 II students participated in this 2-days Project Ninja Train The Trainers Bootcamp.

Project Ninja @ UMP STEM Lab serves as a motivating platform for students to pursue STEM in their future undertaking, as the program is tailored to ignite curiosity in robotics programming among the participants. It is ideal artifacts for making abstract knowledge concrete, e.g. for teaching real-world application of math, science, programming and engineering. This competition gathers a broad range of community participation – university lecturers, students, teachers and schoolchildren. It offers an opportunity for students to enhance their STEM skillsets through extra-curricular learning and mentoring opportunities and provide up-to-date technology outreach programming to the diverse community of STEM learners.

Modules covered were:-