URP and PSAD Projects

Following up with Undergraduate Research Project (URP) and Projek Sem Akhir Diploma (PSAD). Both the students are progressing well.
Haikal is completing his project prototype – almost complete with portable AI prediction and cloud data logger.
Rafie has fabricated a novel microstrip structure with CP properties. A couple of tuning more is required to conclude his research findings.


Well done everyone!









BTE1522 Innovation – Week 11 – Global Classroom Dr Basuki Rahmat: Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur

Today’s global classroom session was an honor as I had the privilege of hosting Dr. Basuki Rahmat from Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur. Dr. Basuki’s expertise in IoT-Based Real-Time Temperature Monitoring and Controlling System, particularly the introduction of the Internet-Based Temperature Control Lab (iTCLab), enriched our learning experience and provided valuable insights into the subject matter.

Here’s a recap of today’s session:

  1. Navigating IoT Platform Selection – Choosing the right IoT platform is crucial for ensuring smooth data transmission, scalability, and compatibility with existing systems. This highlights the importance of evaluating different platforms based on factors like ease of integration, security features, data analytics capabilities, and support for industry standards.
  2. Crafting Robust IoT-Based Temperature Monitoring Systems – Designing an IoT-based temperature monitoring and control system requires careful consideration of various factors, including sensor selection, data transmission protocols, and remote control interfaces. This underscores the significance of robust system design to meet specific application requirements while maintaining reliability and efficiency.Understanding Digital PID Controllers and Input Limits:In IoT-based temperature control systems, understanding the limitations of digital PID controllers in receiving input is crucial. This underscores the importance of comprehending the operational characteristics and limitations of PID controllers to optimize system performance and ensure stability. By understanding how PID controllers operate and their impact on temperature control, students can effectively tune parameters and address input limitations for enhanced system efficiency.
  3. Exploring Applications of iTCLab Temperature Monitoring Systems – The iTCLab temperature monitoring and control system offers versatile applications across various industries, including manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, and environmental monitoring. Recognizing the system’s ability to provide precise temperature control for quality assurance, process optimization, and regulatory compliance empowers students to envision innovative solutions tailored to specific industry needs.
  4. Optimizing MQTT for Low-Power Devices – Acknowledging the importance of energy efficiency and resource optimization in IoT deployments, optimizing MQTT for low-power devices involves minimizing data overhead, reducing transmission frequency, and implementing power-saving techniques. By mastering MQTT optimization techniques, students can design efficient and sustainable IoT solutions for diverse applications.

Today’s global classroom session gives a valuable insights into the IoT-based real-time temperature monitoring and controlling system, focusing on the technological advancements, challenges, and opportunities in the field.

The interactive discussions and active participations from students highlighted the diverse applications, design considerations, and optimization strategies relevant to IoT deployments.

I look forward to such collaborative learning environments and engage in knowledge-sharing initiatives to drive innovation and address real-world challenges effectively.


Arduino Programming Course Synopsis

Welcome to UMP STEM Lab Arduino programming course! In this  program, we look into Arduino microcontrollers and explore various activities to help you grasp the fundamentals of programming and electronics. Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience, this course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to create your own projects and inventions.

In our course, you’ll engage in a series of hands-on activities designed to familiarize you with Arduino programming and electronics. You’ll start with Activity 1, where you’ll learn the basics of controlling multiple LEDs using Arduino digital pins. Moving on to Activity 2, you’ll simulate a traffic light system, gaining insights into sequential programming concepts. Activity 3 introduces you to light sensing using a photoresistor, delving into analog input principles. Next, in Activity 4, you’ll interface analog sensors with Arduino, controlling digital outputs based on sensor readings. Activity 5 focuses on integrating an OLED display for data visualization in your projects.

In Activity 6, you’ll explore distance measurement using ultrasonic sensors, with applications such as obstacle detection. Activity 7 involves interfacing potentiometers and buttons to interact with your projects.

Then, in Activity 8, you’ll grasp servo motor control to add dynamic motion to your creations. Activity 9 combines OLED displays and ultrasonic sensors for advanced projects, offering both visual feedback and distance sensing capabilities. Finally, Activity 10 explores color mixing and control of RGB LEDs, enabling you to create captivating visual effects. Through these activities, you’ll build essential skills and knowledge to embark on your Arduino programming journey.


  1. Through practical exercises and projects, participants will actively engage with Arduino programming, allowing them to familiarize themselves with coding practices, syntax, and techniques specific to the Arduino platform. By working directly with the hardware, they’ll gain confidence in their programming abilities and develop a deeper understanding of how code interacts with physical components.
  2. In addition to programming, participants will learn about fundamental electronic components such as LEDs, sensors, motors, and displays. They’ll explore how these components interface with Arduino boards, understanding concepts like voltage, current, and digital and analog signals. This knowledge will empower them to design and troubleshoot circuits effectively.
  3. A key aspect of Arduino programming is interfacing with sensors to gather data and controlling actuators to affect the physical world. Participants will learn how to read sensor data accurately, process it within their Arduino programs, and use that information to control motors, lights, displays, and other output devices. This skill is crucial for building interactive and responsive projects.
  4. Each activity in the course is designed as a project-based learning experience, where participants encounter real-world problems and challenges. By working through these projects, they’ll develop problem-solving skills, learn to debug and troubleshoot issues, and gain the confidence to tackle increasingly complex problems independently. This approach fosters creativity and innovation as participants learn to apply their knowledge to unique situations.

By the end of the course, participants will have acquired a solid foundation in Arduino programming, electronics, and project development. They’ll be equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to conceive, design, and implement their own Arduino projects and inventions. Whether it’s designing a home automation system, a robotic prototype, or an interactive art installation, participants will have the tools to turn their ideas into reality.

Throughout the course, participants will not only learn the specific syntax and functions of the Arduino programming language but also fundamental programming concepts applicable to any programming language. These include iterative processes using loops, decision-making using conditional statements, and organizing code execution using sequential statements. Mastery of these programming skills enhances participants’ ability to write efficient, readable, and maintainable code, essential for any programming endeavor.

Arduino Programming 2024/3 – SBPI TAR Pekan

UMP STEM Lab Arduino Robotics Synopsis can be found here.

31 students and teachers of SBPI Tun Abdul Razak, Pekan (Batch 3) had participated in this program. Participants went through activities involving Arduino Programming and electronics systems.

Thank you Cikgu Hamidah for coordinating the communication between UMP STEM Lab and the school.
















Arduino Programming 2024/2 – SBPI TAR Pekan

UMP STEM Lab Arduino Robotics Synopsis can be found here.

30 students and teachers of SBPI Tun Abdul Razak, Pekan (Batch 2) had participated in this program. Participants went through activities involving Arduino Programming and electronics systems.

Thank you Cikgu Hamidah for coordinating the communication between UMP STEM Lab and the school.