DRE 2213 – Prog and Data Structure – Week 5

Hi DRE-ian,

The past 5 weeks, you’ve created your version of Slider Game. Throughout the development process, you’ve code the following in Python environment:-

  1. Game Window Properties (object oriented approach)
    1. Basic Programming Concepts in Python
    2. control statements
  2. Player Character Description,
    1. Programming Relevance – Python Basics
    2. Function Implementation
    3. Control Flow
  3. Player Movement Logic
    1. Programming Constructs
    2. Enemy Properties
    3. Programming Integration
  4. Enemy Behavior
    1. Scoring Logic
    2. Programming Elements
  5. Game Scoring Mechanism
    1. Logic Implementation
    2. Timing Systems,
    3. Data Structures

Wishing you all the best everyone in TEST 1 =)

Also, remember to submit your Assignment 1  – assessment between Nov 8th –  18th.