Graphical Programming Pedagogy

This course is thoughtfully tailored to introduce educators to the dynamic realm of graphical programming using Scratch and mBlock. Its primary aim is to empower teachers with the essential skills and knowledge needed to seamlessly integrate graphical programming concepts into their computer science curriculum in schools.

The course kicks off with Session 1: Introduction to Graphical Programming, the significance of graphical programming in modern education is illuminated, highlighting its real-world applications in game development, interactive art, and educational tools. The intuitive nature of Scratch and mBlock, renowned for their visual interfaces and drag-and-drop coding approach, is unveiled. Participants embark on a hands-on journey, creating their initial animated projects using Scratch. Here, the transformative potential of graphical programming becomes tangible.

In Session 2: Building Blocks of Graphical Programming, participants delve into the foundational elements of this art. Programming blocks are elucidated as the foundational building blocks of graphical programming, and their categories, encompassing motion, control, looks, and more, are explored. The importance of control structures, notably loops and conditionals, is underscored through practical examples. Participants are actively engaged in an interactive project workshop, where they design a classic Snake game and an iconic Pac-Man game. These hands-on experiences not only reinforce their learning but also spark creativity as they add sound effects and character interactions to their projects.


As the course progresses to Session 3: Integrating Graphical Programming in the Curriculum, educators learn effective strategies for assessing student projects and maintaining student engagement. Moreover, they gain insights into the seamless integration of graphical programming within existing curricula, aligning it with core computer science principles such as variables and algorithms. Collaborative project development sessions empower participants to create lesson plans that effectively incorporate graphical programming, fostering innovative approaches to teaching.

In Session 4: Showcasing Advanced Features and Resources, advanced programming concepts are introduced, including variables, functions, and custom blocks, expanding the possibilities of graphical programming. Participants are directed to valuable online resources, online community, and educational materials.

Throughout this course, teachers, as participants, not only acquire a profound understanding of graphical programming but also engage in practical activities, including the creation of classic Snake and Pac-Man games. These hands-on experiences ensure that they leave the course not just equipped but inspired to empower their students with the transformative tools of graphical programming.