Arduino Robotics 2023/5 – Kolej Matrikulasi Teknikal Pahang

*UMP STEM Lab Arduino Robotics can be found here.

Teachers and students of Kolej Matrikulasi Kejuruteraan Pahang had participated in this program. Students have gone through activities involving Arduino Programming and electronics systems.

Thank you En Wan Azlan for coordinating the communication between UMP STEM Lab and Kolej Matrikulasi Kejuruteraan Pahang (KMKPh).


























Arduino Robotics 2023/4 – Mentor Train the Trainers

*UMP STEM Lab Arduino Robotics can be found here.

Students of UMP had participated in this Train the Trainers program. The training is part of the mentoring program for the upcoming UMP STEM Lab program. Students have gone through activities involving Arduino Programming and electronics systems.

Be the spark that ignites the future of STEM – become a mentor at UMP STEM Lab!












1. Majlis Menandatangani Perjanjian Supply Agreement For Renewable Energy (SARE) di antara Tenaga Nasional Berhad, GSPARX Sdn. Bhd. dan Universiti Malaysia Pahang pada petang ini.

2. Bagi pihak UMP, kami amat mengalu- alukan jalinan kerjasama dengan rakan – rakan industri dalam membangunkan program dan akiviti yang disepakati untuk manfaat bersama.

3. Kepakaran dan teknologi daripada kerjasama ini semestinya akan menjadi inspirasi kepada usahama yang berimpak tinggi dan membuka lebih banyak peluang dan penerokaan kepada bidang -bidang lain yang berkaitan.

4. Kerjasama antara UMP, TNB dan Gsparx dalam melaksanakan agenda lestari negara ini melibatkan pemasangan sistem solar berkapasiti 3.58 Mega Watt. Menariknya ia akan dilaksanakan di dalam kampus ump pekan iaitu d sebahagian tasik.

5. Umumnya kita sedia maklum pihak TNB merupakan satu2 nya pembekal elektrik utk seluruh semenanjung Malaysia, maka tentunya kepakaran TNB yang ada terutamanya terkait dengan teknologi dan kejuruteraan elektrik ini dapat dimanfaatkan bersama.

6. Sehubungan dengan itu kita amat berharap para penyelidik untuk bekerjasama dan menjalinkan hubungan yg amat rapat dengan pihak TNB supaya kepakaran dan pengalaman TNB ini boleh kita manfaatkan dan ekosistem kepakaran dan penyelidikan UMP akan bersedia mendepani peredaran tekologi tenaga boleh baharu.

7. Juga ingin saya mengambil perhatian para penyelidik dan pihak TNB bahawa kerjasama ini merupakan kerjasama yg panjang selama 20 tahun dan adalah diharapkan agar ia memberikan nilai tambah kepada warga UMP khususnya dan kepada Negara amnya dalam menjayakan agenda lestari Malaysia ke arah Negara Neutral Karbon menjelang 2050.

MOU – Work Based Learning

I am pleased to extend a warm welcome to all our esteemed guests FESTO Sdn Bhd, Elentech Sdn Bhd and Camel Power Sdn Bhd. Selamat Datang ke UMP.

It is a great pleasure to welcome you all to this exciting occasion, where we gather together to celebrate the collaboration between industry and academia for work-based learning initiatives in Malaysia.

As we all know, education and industry are two vital pillars of our society, and the collaboration between the two is essential for the growth and development of our nation.

By working together, we can harness the power of education to create a workforce that is well-prepared to meet the demands of the modern world.

This collaboration represents a significant step towards this goal, and we are confident that it will bring tremendous benefits to all involved.

Through the partnership today, we aim to create work-based learning initiatives that provide students with the opportunity to gain practical experience and develop skills that are in high demand in the industry.

Furthermore, this partnership will help to bridge the gap between education and the workforce, enabling us to create a pipeline of qualified talent that can drive innovation and economic growth.

Once again thank you all the industry partners who have joined us today, for your unwavering support and commitment to this collaboration. Thank you too to thank the faculties involved, for your dedication in providing UMP students with the best possible education and for recognizing the importance of work-based learning.

Lastly, congratulations to all the students who will benefit from this collaboration. Students are the future of our nation, and the skills and experience you gained through this program will definitely serve them well as they embark in building up their careers, InsyaAllah.

Wishing you all a fruitful and enjoyable collaboration. Looking forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on our society and economy.