MTM 2020

November 11th 2020

An interesting key note by Randi Zuckerberg and her interview with Surina Shukri.

Among interesting points derived from these sessions are:-

  • entrepreneurial skill is an art of creating something from nothing
  • company culture sets a different tone to the outcomes
  • diverse voice to gain more input



Malaysia Tech Month 2020

November 10th, 2020

Interesting sharing session for Day 1 MTM 2020.

Indonesia is one of the big market

Phillipines and Vietnam – large young population

  • are the locals feeding their own hunger
  • eating their own food
  • investing in your own local company – government effort

Keynote Address: ‘Beyond Digital Government’
Taavi Kotka, Entrepreneur & Former Chief Information Officer of the Estonian Government

  • beyond digital government
  • internet is the backbone


In Conversation: Zoom-ing into the Future

Raymond Siva, Chief Marketing Officer, Malaysia Digital Economy Officer (MDEC)
Harry Moseley, Global Chief Information Officer, Zoom Video Communications, USA

  • motivated by a pair of couple to get intouch despite being apart
  • value proposition: every alternative in one platform, call – chat – messages – sharing screen
  • softskills
    • cultural awareness
    • well informative
    • establishing good internal circle
    • helping others to be successful , you will be successful in returns
  • Zoom provacy issues
    – stepping up upon facing issues
    – talk to customers emphatise them
  • zoom core principles
    •  easy of work (intuitive)
    •  ease of use ()
    •  reliability
    • innovating speed and scale
    • privacy and security


Alexander Stubb, Former Prime Minister of Finland & Vice President of the European Investment Bank (2017-2020), Finland
Keynote Speech: How 2021 Will Shape the ‘Great Reset’

Global Politics 1980’s market capitalism
Covid 19 – lockdown

Technology – Digital Revolution – AI, IoT, 3D Printing

  1. change the economy
    • Air BnB
    • Uber
    • disruptive technology – economy
    • Fintech
    • Data is the new gold
    • Cooperating with machines
      • 1 IR – labour
      • 2 IR – blue colar to white colar (information analysis)
    • Education – carrer path
    • analyze not analyze
    • mental fitness empathy – way you treat people
    • our definition of ‘cycle’ is becoming shorter
    • due
    • to flow of information
  2.  politics and how we interact
      • change the science and the human being
      • pandemics endemic
      • combine biology and technology: how far do we take this.
      • would you intervene the nature cause
      • ethical questions
      • now human are cyborg
  3. technology is the driver of the world
      • world is shifting east bound
      • starting school late – let them play
      • education is taken seriously in Finland

book: think slow, think fast

Mencanting Masa Hadapan Industri Agrotek di Malaysia

Facebook Live Session

Topic 1 : The Background of Agrotech in Malaysia

  • Prof Dato’ Dr Mortaza: The perception of agricultural sector in Malaysia: Past and present and future
  • Prof Dr Sharr: PPAM (Association of Malaysian Agro Organizations) Aspirations  in supporting the agrotech sector in Malaysia?
  • Mr. Tawfik: The role of MSD Innovation in the development of the agrotech technology industry in Malaysia
  • Dr Mazlinah: Current research trends based on agro technology in Malaysia

Topic 2: Malaysian Agortech Industry: Scenario and Challenges 

  • Prof Dr Sharr: How is modern agriculture different from traditional agriculture?
  • Prof Dato ’Dr Mortaza: The impact of Covid-19 on the agro technology industry in Malaysia
  • Mr. Tawfik: Are Malaysian ready for Urban agriculture – ‘urbanfarming’ culture?
  • Dr Mazlinah: Public awareness on the use of chemicals in agriculture in Malaysia. The effect and efficacy

Topic 3: Nurturing Future Talent to Complement Malaysia’s Agrotech Industry 

  • Mr. Tawfik: The competencies required to support the agrotech industry in Malaysia
  • Prof Dr Sharr: How dependent is Malaysian agrotech industry on foreign workers and ways to motivating more local youth get involve in the industry.
  • Prof Dato ’Dr Mortaza: The role of the university in encouraging the involvement of students / graduates in agro technology in Malaysia.
  • Dr Mazlinah: Motivating future young talent in agrotech industry.


BEE 4433 Antenna Theory and Propagation

Week 3 covers the topic of Electrically Small Antenna, which among the most attractive antenna structure due to it’s simplicity in the design process and compact size. However, these come with a trade off narrow bandwidth and low efficient radiancy.

For this chapter, please complete the following:-

  1. Electrically Small Antenna Video Review
  2. Complete Lab 1 on Dipole antenna design
    1. Simulate the halfwave dipole design
    2. Observe the following items and:-
      • describe the operating frequency of the dipole antenna,
      • describe the radiation characteristics of the antenna,
      • what are the influencing design parameters,
      • estimate the dimensions of a dipole antenna that will radiate at 1.8 GHz
    3. Submit your answers in a 2-page journal article format.The anatomy /structure of a journal article is explained here:-


This Lab assignment contributes 5% to the course works marks.


Video for class today is as follows:-

Class Video