#myDigitalMakerFair Day 2 3 4 5 6 Highlights :)

Among interesting topics that caught my attention 🙂 in this year’s Digital Maker Fair program:-

  • Non-Banking Roles in Banks: Find your way.

Panelists discuss on the impact and opportunity with data science in today’s digital banking business. Being curious, agile is important as it opens the door for expansion.

  • Artificial Intelligence goes to School

Among topics in AI that could be incorporated in school curriculum are problem solving, reasoning, planning, natural language understanding, computer vision, automatic programming and machine learning. Data analysis is the essence and being analytical does help to take AI ecosystem to the the young students.

AI does sounds intimidating, well as one might imagine that there must be together with robot or some sophisticated elements. However, AI starts with a simple statistics which can grow into regression model to other complicated models.

Understanding, analyzing and manipulating data are among AI features and can be easily incorporated in school curriculum.

  • Future Farm

Panelist discuss on modern farming systems targeting household market. Today, many of us are into growing our own food in our home. Precision  are the essence in indoor farming systems.

  • Be Your Own Boss

Laura waked through her personal experience in making the path of her company in Gig economy. Being visible in Linkedin was her stepping stone to her successful career today. Among tips shared were to use the right #tags and make trending postings.

  • E-sports in School



  • Reimagining Schools

An interesting quote from the moderator was being an educator is like walking through a time machine, where by one learn in a past education system, however teach in current education setup, and are required to prepare the generation for the future education setup :).

well, isn’t that interesting!!!


  • The 30s Pitch Challenge

We live in a fast moving era today. 30-seconds is only what it takes to be within ones attention span – the meaningful moment 🙂 .

Here, Laura and Tyler shared the tips and tricks to grab that moments, which include answering the following q’s:-

    1. who are you?
    2. what do you do and why?
    3. what makes you different from the others?
    4.  + Energy