Project Ninja Slot 5 @ SK Sinar Mutiara

Located in the pineapple plantation area, SK Sinar Mutiara is one of a rural school in Pekan that we engaged in Project Ninja’s Program. 42 school children and teachers participated in this program.

UMP STEM Bot is utilized in the program. This STEM Bot offers a wide spectrum of learning platform for programming. Programming is an art of giving instructions. Precisions and consistency in laying giving these instructions is crucial especially when it involve communication to hardware.

UMP STEM Bot is an open source Arduino Nano based development kit that offers everything young makers and programmers need. The microcontroller can be programmed using open-source platforms which are the Arduino programming, the graphical programming mBlock as well as the MIT App Inventor.

The kit is equipped with LEDs, infra-red sensors and Bluetooth module. Also available are an ultrasonic sensor and a pair of micro motors and tyres. Bluetooth communication module are also available for users to explore remote controlled projects. The expansion and components replacement of the UMP STEM Bot kit is convenient as it is developed using on-the-shelves products that are accessible online.

The UMP STEM Bot complements KPM primary and secondary schools’ syllabus on computational thinking, computer programming, robotics.

For juniors, primary school, we adopt MBlock as a platform to program UMP STEM Bot such as below:-