BTE1522 DRE2213 – Week 6 Pi Pico – Digital Input Output


Today’s Raspberry Pi class focused on hands-on exercises using the UMPSA STEM Cube, a picosatellite powered by a Raspberry Pi Pico. Students completed Activities 1, 2, and 3, where they explored digital output and input by turning LEDs on and off, blinking them, and reading inputs from switches and sliders.

The objective of these activities is to transition students from learning Python in a simulated environment, where they developed a slider game, to implementing Python in physical computing. Through the exercises, students practiced applying delay functions, making circuit connections, and importing MicroPython libraries into the Thonny IDE. The UMPSA STEM Cube serves as an introductory picosatellite equipped with basic sensors, providing a practical platform for students to apply their knowledge in physical computing.


