
A sharing session from USM

Date: 17th August 2017, Canseleri UMP Pekan.

Webometrics or known as Ranking Web is the largest academic ranking of Higher Education Institutions.  It’s performed by Cybermetrics Lab for the providing reliable, multidimensional, updated and useful information about the performance of universities from all over the world.


Visibility (50%) + Activity (50%)

Visibility – IMPACT all the external inlinks that the University webdomain receives from third parties.

Use eprints to input all necessary documents to be access online by others.

JARGON of Webometric

  1. Page Rank : an algo used by Google Search to rank websites in their search engine results
  2. Backlink : incoming links to a website or web page.


Tools that can be used to check the Webometric are Majestic SEO, ahrefs, Scimago and Google Scholar.


UR – URL Rating measures the strength of a target.

Best Practices

  1. URL Naming
  2. Content Create
  3. Contents: Convert
  4. Interlinking
  5. Rich and media files
  6. Popularity and statistics
  7. Archiving and persistence

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