About me

I am a Mathematics lecturer at the Faculty of Science & Technology Industry and is also pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy at Universiti Sains Malaysia in Computer-Aided Geometric Design (CAGD) and Optimisation. I graduated with Bachelor of science in Industrial Mathematics (2003) and Master of Science in Mathematics (2005) both form Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. I joined UMP in 2005 and I have the opportunity to teach various Mathematics subjects such as Calculus and Basic Mathematics for Diploma level, meanwhile Applied Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations for Degree level. In the field of research, I am interested in CAGD and optimisation algorithms, and my research is in the field of geometric modeling especially in curvature and surface models using optimisation methods through metaheuristics algorithms. My interest focuses on optimising the parameters by using algorithms such as genetic algorithms, simulation integration, harmony search and particle swarm optimisation.