
I was so sceptical when I heard the stories from my friends on how they dream, imagine to visit Korea and London and at last they managed to go there. At that moment, I take the essence of the story literally. How they made it sound so simple, just by imagining things, they can make it happen?

After I flashback all the memories that I could think of, I come to a conclusion that what they have shared are true. We can make things happen by just thinking, giving that, we put effort instead of just thinking. If someone ask me, “How are you going to describe yourself?” I would say that I am a determine person. If I think that I can do it, I will make sure that I will do it excellently. I was not a genius to begin with. Until today, I still cannot recall what I have learned in Mathematics subject back then when I was in Form 1 until Form 2. During that particular years, education is not everything to me, at least. When I was in Form 3, I suddenly realised that I was weak in Mathematics subject and several others subjects. Since I have set my minds that I can do it, I did self study by buying past exams questions book. For Mathematics subject, I did a lot of questions so that I familiar with the question and it is also one of the steps to master Mathematics faster. Since the exam was around the corner, I did a lot of questions from several reference book. There were questions that I did not know the answer and what I did was, I turn to the last page of the book searching for answer in Answer section and then I refer back to the question. Then, I started reasoning why that kind of question gave that kind of answer. Even though my effort was quite last minute but I managed to pass the PMR with flying colors. Abraham Lincoln once said, “All I have learned, I learned from books”. Some works that seems impossible but when we think in the positive ways, we will get a positive result. Always remember, when there is a will, there is a way!

Onto the next story, I would like to share with all of you the situation that I have experienced during my PhD study at UTM JB. There were days where I was very busy and I felt I was the busiest person on those days. I didn’t eat properly, drink an appropriate amount of water even though we were and are currently experiencing the hottest month due to El Nino. One day, I noticed I peed more frequently than normal, my mouth was dried. As usual, I googled all the symptoms that I have, maybe some of you did the same thing. Then, I found a website that discussed on these symptoms. After that, I started to think the worst case scenario that might occur to me in future. I was very afraid, my body on that time seemed agree with my thought, my condition turn worst and few other symptoms started to appear. I decided to go to the nearest clinics at Taman Seri Pulai. I shared my concern with the doctor and the doctor ask me to do a urine test. My urine was tested contaminate and that explain the symptoms. He asked me to drink more water and he also provided mineral salts in several sachets that I can consume for 4 – 5 days! A week passed by and the situation remained the same, I google for other possible illness and the result of my search was horrifying! I decided to go to other clinic and explained from A to Z my situation. She did blood test on me and it turns out normal, way too normal. She asked me to consume more waters. Then, the symptoms gone and after 1-2 weeks, the symptoms came again. I go to the other clinic where the doctor is a Chinese. I explained to him my condition. His approach was very different from the previous doctors. He talked to me and really trying to understand my health problem and when I mentioned how I turn worried by reading the explanations of the symptoms on the internet. He gave his advice, “It is okay to take precaution steps by having appointments with Drs to consult about your health. The result is reliable since you was tested negative for all possible disease and you have done it with three different doctors including me. When you refer to the internet and you think too much, worry for the unnecessary things, your negative thinking lead to those symptoms to occur within your body, your way of thinking has deceived your body!” On that day, beside getting the answer to my question, I also got a free lecture. According to American Psychological Association, when we think negatively or stress, the body kicks into gear, flooding the body with hormones that elevate your heart rate, increase your blood pressure, boost your energy then the “fight or flight” response may be stuck in the on position which leads to the health problems.

There is old saying, “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” Positive thinking helps with stress management and can even improve your health.

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