
A new semester session 2024/2025 II begins on 10 March 2025. For this semester I was assigned to teach a Communication Systems subject for 2nd year degree students. In this subject students will be exposed to the basic elements of communications, signal analysis, amplitude modulation, angle modulations and digital modulations, as well as transmission channels and noise impact on the modulation system. Finally, some of the emergence of digital communication technologies are presented and compared.

Degree Students

Degree Student

As for another 1st year diploma student, I was assigned to teach Computer Aided Design subject. In this subject student will be exposed to the fundamental level of AutoCAD from scratch until the plotting technique. The students will be guided and exposed to technical drawing knowledge as well as electrical, electronic, geometrical and isometric drawing.

Diploma Students

Diploma Student

As what I did like a previous semesters, my learning outcomes is to ensuring that my students will make an outstanding results through building the trust between lecturer and students. I hope all of my students are satisfied with the lessons that they will receive in this current semester.


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