A site visit for the Multimedia Technology & Applications (BEE4213) was organized by Mr. Mohd Hisyam and his students on 17 April 2018. The location of the site visit was at Shah Alam, Selangor. Fanikatun Creative is a Malaysian based company providing animated consultant on videos, design, illustration, music, voice recording services and anything in between. A total of 34 students attended the site visit. The agenda of the visit consist of in multimedia elements explanation by the animator and head of the department for the animation company. At the end of the session, there was a questioning and answering session between the students and the host. Countless valuable information was shared among both parties regarding the visit especially on the process flow of the animation project. The purpose of this site visit is to provide the students with industrial exposure and the knowledge on how the animation with project management that handle throughout the whole project. The understanding of the project animation practice can be a good basis for the students in order for attaining perceptive of project assessment in real life situation. Furthermore, this site visit can assist the students on knowledge for the preparation of their future career after graduation from study.

Site visit for the Multimedia Technology & Applications (BEE4213)

Site visit for the Multimedia Technology & Applications (BEE4213)

Site visit for the Multimedia Technology & Applications (BEE4213)

Site visit for the Multimedia Technology & Applications (BEE4213)

Site visit for the Multimedia Technology & Applications (BEE4213)
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