Special thanks to my students for the Session 2016/2017 Semester 2. In this semester, I have taught two classes: BEE 3413 Principles of Communication System (Bachelor Degree) and DEE 3413 Principles of Communication System (Diploma). I hope all of you have developed positive Lecturer-student relationships and how it effect on student learning outcomes.
After finishing this subject, students are expected to understand the basic elements of electronic communications, signal analysis, amplitude modulation, angle modulations and digital modulations, as well as transmission channels and noise impact on the modulation system.

DEE3413 Students.

BEE 3413 Students.

BEE3413 Students.
Kemah sir…tq sir ilmu yg sir bagi…sir pling spoting yg prnh mngajar kitorang kat ump?
thank you very much sir.. we appreciate ur hard work very much and never forgetting for the knowledge you shared .. It was indeed very fun learning in ur class . tq 🙂