
Perspective, is the way you see or view things. In fact, when all of you look at me, maybe some of you view me as a man whom you friend with or some of you might view me as a total stranger. I get it.

Today, I have several pictures that I want to share with all of you. Maybe some of you have come across with this picture. This picture is called as fruit algebra.

My teacher has shared this picture on her facebook. May I know what is your answer? I have commented on her photo and my quick answer was 16! Then I saw more comments coming and some of them said 14! Then after I saw the photo carefully, I noticed there were some details that I left out when I first viewed it. In the beginning, we were busy in assigning the value of the respective fruits. Now, here comes the tricky part, the question is what is the value of the addition of coconut + apple + banana?  If you view the question in term of the addition of type of fruits, you may have 16 as your answer. If you are particular, you may have 14 as your answer. This photo has bring chaos to the internet and according to the Mail Online, a professor in Mathematics from Central Lanchashire, England, Dr Kevin Bowman thinks that the accurate answer for this picture is more than one.

Onto the next picture, when I was in Form 5, I have watched a documentary in Discovery Channel. The documentary was about a survey they (the researcher) have conducted on several boys and girls about bicycle drawing.

They were given a blank paper with two circles. The instruction was clear, to draw a bicycle. They have come out with a conclusion that most of the boys tend to draw a complicated bicycle together with those details such as brake, pedal and so on. The girls tend to draw a simple bicycle as long as it looks a bicycle to them. But they were several boys who came out with a simple bicycle and vice versa and the researcher still do not know how to conclude about the minor cases. I searched through the internet and I have found a blog where he also did the experiment on the bicycle drawing and this time he asked two of his friends: a man and a woman to draw it.

The instruction was also clear, draw a bicycle. This time the result turns out quite different! The man drew a complicated bicycle together with its function and this time there are some explanations on the functions of the bicycle. The woman drew a bicycle, the bicycle was not as complicated as the man but there also functions she drew on the bicycle together with descriptions. And she also drew some other objects: the sun and her parents. What??? This shows the different perspectives of a man and a woman.

The last pictures show a photo with two pictures in them or simply known as picture in picture.

If you see carefully on the first picture, it shows a side profile of a beautiful woman as if she looks away to the sky and if you look carefully there is also a picture of an old lady as if she looks down. The second picture illustrates an old woman with some wrinkles on the face and if you view it in 360 degrees rotation, it turns out to be a young woman with a crown on her head.

When you wake up every day, you have two choices. You can either be positive or negative; an optimist or a pessimist. I choose to be an optimist. It’s all a matter of perspective. Quoted from Marcus Aurelius, “Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”

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