
I would like to ask you to see my eyes so that I can see yours and feel more connected with all of you. Being raised from a boy to a man in the rural area, my confident level was not high in the beginning. When I not used to a place or I was in the crowds that i barely knew, I isolated my self at a corner of the place. I will keep my distance when I walked and I even point my eyes down when I passed a group of peoples. That way I felt more comfortable, secure and “confident”. I was so childish when I also used my smart phone as a tool to gain my confidence in the public just by fake calling a friend. I know some of you who is from my ERA might do this once. That is not the way you face the reality, being confidence in the crowds is not an option, it is one of the quality that you must have in the society. When I was in the boarding school, it changes the way I interact with the peoples. I no longer shy with silly reasons, I’m more confident in the public. The chances of mixing with peoples from different region has opened my eyes and change my perspectives in engaging with peoples.

As I grow older, I met with a lot of peoples. I have friends who I can talk comfortably with, eyes to eyes. The most interesting part is that, I have a friend that I know for 6 years but until now, it is very difficult to speak eyes to eyes with him. The longest time I stare or see his eyes while talking is 5 seconds and after 5 seconds his eyes will be everywhere. Hello, am I not interesting enough? For me, eyes contact plays an important role in two ways communication. I love talking by seeing the eyes of the person whom I have the conversation with. This is how I acknowledge and appreciate the person I talk to. I will not give up with my friend that I have mentioned earlier. I will ensure we have a pleasant conversation in the near future.

Those who close to me will know that I love to challenge myself. I love to host or mc an event and singing in the crowd. Deep in my heart, I know, if I remained shy, nobody will know my creative talents. One day, in the first semester of degree study, I saw a karaoke competition pamphlet. I stayed at KTR and I asked my friend to accompany me all the way to KTC just by walking. I remember the karaoke event was dull and less spectators. Then, my turn came and I started to sing, I sang “Tak Mungkin Kerna Sayang” by Alyah who is a famous singer in Malaysia. Out of sudden, all visitors of the main event came to my karaoke competition to see who was the guy that really confident to sing a female song. That was hilarious! Another event, I entered a competition called “UTM Top Host” where this competition was inspired from the popular show in TV3, “Malaysian Top Host”. The final event was judged by the contestants of the “Malaysian Top Host”. I was told by the judges that my voice more suitable for “Buletin Utama” and I stood confidently and told them that I really want to be one of the news anchor in TV3 and they said best of luck in the future. I ended up at 5th place!

All of the stories that I shared with you all coming together with my determination to become confident in the public. I’m not just wish for it to happen but I also work for it to happen. And I would like to thank each and everyone of you for cheering me and always inspired me in delivering speech and also be a good speaker in the future.

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