Easy Academic Writing Solution using MS Word, MS Visio and Mendeley

[Article from newspaper]
Microsoft Word as a Thesis/Report Skeleton’s Generator.
The first technique is autogenerated writing using Microsoft Word software. Part of the technique consists of advanced Microsoft Word that can generate Table of Content (TOC), List of Figure (LOT), and List of Table (LOT) automatically. This technique also able to generate the cross-reference which means, the figure, table and equation number are synchronized.
Before the autogeneration process, the skeleton of chapter number, chapter title and the sub-topics that will be written need to be set-up their suitable heading. On the other hand, figure and table are set-ups by its caption. The features for figure and table’st title and caption are built-in in Microsoft Word.
MS Word style used and set-up to produce a consistent and organized document that follows the acquired writing style. This feature allows the writer to use navigation pane (or document map) which connects to the autogenerated TOC, LOF, and LOT. LOF and LOT do not appear in the navigation pane. Besides, it is autogenerated within a single click in the specific location of the document.
Meet Microsoft Visio. Your diagram editor!
The second technique is using Microsoft Visio. Normally, a writer needs a diagram to express the information in the thesis or report. Thus, the option of Microsoft Visio is a good choice. Microsoft Visio function as a diagram editor which contains a lot of diagram editor tools. When the figure such as flow needs to be designed or edit, Microsoft Visio offers a user-friendly editor for beginner level. It is because the figure that is designed or edit can be copied and pasted into Microsoft Word document easily.
I’m your Mendeley Advisor. Organize and cite your articles properly.
The third technique which is the last software combined to form a complete package is Mendeley. Mendeley is a citation manager which keeps your articles more organized and save. It is a product of Elsevier that can store only PDF (.pdf) file. Basically, Mendeley software is a paid software with cost around RM20 until RM200. However, for the free version, the user can get free 2GB of storage which is adequate for the writer.
Citation and reference also can be autogenerated at any document area within a single click (very easy). Mendeley not only offer the citation but also searching a specific article. Interestingly, the searching feature also searched the Mendeley library which is shared by the other users around the world. That means, the process of searching time can be reduced and make more writing process convenient.
Instead, the style of the references or bibliography can be modified based on the university’s thesis guidelines using clseditor.
Mohd. Zamri Osman (Ph.D), Nur Hafizah Abd. Khalid (Ph.D) and Azman Mohamed (Ph.D)