
Marhaban Ya Ramadhan…


Day 5 of Ramadhan. Hopefully its not too late to wish Ramadhan Kareem to all muslims around the globe. May the spirit of Ramadhan illuminate the world and show us the way to peace and harmony. This week also mark the last week of academic’s week at UMP. Next week will be study week and then final exam weeks before we can celebrate Aidilfitri.

Students from Section C11

Before we end our academic session for this semester, as usual. It’s project presentation. This semester I teach Graphical User Interface. A course that taught students on how to design the interface of their desktop/mobile apps or even the website system. A good interface should abide the Usability Heuristic Rules and the Golden Rules. It should also been tested by other user in order to validate the effectiveness of the interface interaction.

Students from Section C12

Last Week (17th May -18th May), I’ve conducted the presentation session with section 11 & 12. About 20 project prototypes presented. There are a lots of new ideas and they really shows their creativity and ideas. I’ll try to upload the video of their project in my Youtube Channel later. Will try. As for now, it’s time to evaluate their report. Marks need to be key-in into the system before exam weeks.

Learning about interface is important. At the same time, to produce a great and better interface of their system, I asked the students to do some research on existing interface. To study on what are the design elements or multimedia elements used in the existing system. To figure out what are the usability heuristic that the system followed. Rather than using the point, I asked them to screenshot the elements that they claimed to be reflect to the usability heuristic. Same goes to the Golden Rules. I’m not accepting only the list of Golden Rules. But I asked them to screenshot the elements based on their understanding.

Students from Section C13

As for today (22nd May 2018), I’ve conducted the presentation session for the remaining two sections. Total prototype system presented equal to 14 systems. Thanks to Mr.Aziman, one of my colleague for the idea of converting the presentation into a short video. At first, I’m a little bit reluctant to ask the students to do the prototype flow in video format. But, it turn out to be an excellent idea. Since most of the prototype platform is web-based and trial version, saving the prototype flow in video is the best way to document everything.

Students for Section C14

I’ll try to upload all the short video in youtube platform and update the link here. InsyaALLAH. Will try my best despite the busy schedule.

To all students,

Congratulation! You guys have completed the course successfully. Hopefully, this course will help you a lot in developing your final year project next semester. Don’t forget to implement all the usability heuristic and golden rules when designing the interface. And wish you all the best and good luck for the final exam.

SEM II 2017/2018



FSKKP, UMP Gambang

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