
Assalamualaikum w.b.t

I’m just finishing my PnP course for Module 7. Now, I left with Module 1 which has been postponed for several time. (sigh)~ But never mind. I still have the time to nurture myself to be a good teacher, motivator, facilitator and advisor. All in one. As for today, I would like to share some WORDS that I found from CAMBRIDGE-DISCOVERY EDUCATION Books which I found here in UMP Library, Pekan Campus.

Have you read this book? Let’s learn some word together!

If someone can do something very well at a young age, then he/she is a prodigy. But, If you have some problems with thinking but you remember somethings very well, it’s possible you are a savant. And did you know that Leonardo Da Vinci was a genius. He had many new and different ideas.

But, the questions is… Are you a Genius?

  1. Some months have 31 days. How many months have 28 days?
  2. There are 3 apples. You take 2 away. How many do you have?
  3. It rains at 11 a.m in London. Can it be sunny 36 hours later?
  4. Mary’s father has five daughters: Nana, Nene, Nini and Nono. What is the name of other daughter?
  5. How many times can you take away 5 from 25?
  6. Can you make one word from the letters in “new door”?
  7. You are driving a bus with 43 people in New York. You stop the bus. 7 people get on and 2 leave. At the next stop, 8 leave the bus and 4 get on. At the next stop, 3 people get on and 5 leave. What is the name of the driver?

How is it? Does this Questions really test your intelligence? Let’s try this questions…

  1. Look at these numbers: 1-1-2-3-5-8-13   . Which number comes next?
  2. Which word can you make with these letters: USTAGU?       An animal? A city? A country? A month? or A river?

Can you answer these 2 questions? Is it hard?


The difference between Intelligence and Genius is Hard Work


Intelligent people do things others can’t do. Geniuses do things others can’t see.

It just a post to share some WORD with you. And the WORDS are Genius, Prodigy and Savant.

Till then,


Dr. Sara Zulkifli


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