
Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Is it necessary for us to have the teaching portfolio? What are the purpose to have one?

Honestly, I never know what is the teaching portfolio until I attend one of those Kursus Asas Pengajaran & Pembelajaran (PnP). If not mistaken on module 5. I was told about keeping your work in one directory and simplify them into your CV. All these materials will turn out to be your teaching portfolio. In fact, we are given a folder for us to start our own Teaching Portfolio (TP).



According to, Teaching Portfolio documented the evidences of teaching from a variety of sources. And this TP are a step toward a more public , professional view of teaching as scholarly activity. In simple words, it’s a compilation of our activity as an academician. Either it more on teaching lesson or research work. It can also work as your CV if you intended to find for a new job!

Conventionally, we use papers and folder to compile our portfolio. Sometimes, we used color paper to divide the section. But, nowadays, we should move towards ICT. And this is the best platform I know. I’ve used blog before this. But more on my personal matters. If I have some issues, then I’ll share the issues. But 80% of my personal blog is about my personal life. By having, it is one of the good effort in helping academician to have their own online Teaching Portfolio. Besides, they can put lots of thing inside here including their previous research work, publications, activities, teaching experience and etc. The most exciting thing, not only Malaysian community can surf info about it, but it can be view world wide. As a consequence, it will be more easily for the academician/researcher to recruit potential candidate to do Master and PhD under their supervision.

Blogging can give benefit if you use it wisely. Most of experts and academician already have their own online Teaching Portfolio. How about us? It’s already 2017! Let’s move forward. Use the technology wisely. In such a way that will help you in future.


Dr. Sara

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