Publication year: 2016

Tribological Behaviour Improvement of Lubricant Using Copper (II) Oxide Nanoparticles as Additive

Tribological properties that include nanoparticles are  the performance of internal combustion engine in several an alternative to improve the tribological behaviour of lubricating oil, which has been investigated by many researchers for the past few decades. Various nanostructures can be used as additives for tribological improvement. However, this also depends on the characteristics of the nanoparticles. In this study, tribological investigation was performed to examine the effect of CuO  aspects, such as harmful exhaust emissions, blow-by, power lost, fuel consumption, and oil consumption [10]. A lubricant with solid nanoparticles can reduce the friction coefficient while simultaneously increase the load carrying capacity of the lubricant fluid [11]. Nowadays, normal lubricants, such as nanoparticles on the tribological behaviour of Syntium 800 SL petroleum, coals and natural gases are in high demand. 10W−30. Three parameters used in the analysis using the wear tester (piston ring) were load, revolutions per minute (rpm), and concentration. The specifications of the nanoparticles, such as size, concentration, hardness, and shape, can affect the tribological behaviour of the lubricant. The friction and wear experiment was conducted using a tribo-tester and the Response Surface  However, these natural resources have their limitations and will be depleted due to high fuel consumptions around the world [12]. According to Idris, Vezir [13], during the movement of the piston ring within the dead-centre of the cylinder, the maximum friction coefficient occurred, where the Methodology method was used to analyse any improvement of the lubricant is minimal and the piston ring was at a higher speed, performance. Therefore, two concentrations of 40 nm nanoparticles were used to conduct the experiments, namely, 0.005 wt % and 0.01 wt % and compared with base oil 0 wt % (control). A water bath sonicator was used to disperse the nanoparticles in base oil, while a tribo-tester was used to measure the coefficient of friction and wear rate. In addition, the thermal properties of the nanolubricant were also while the minimum friction coefficient occurred during the mid-stoNe. Ettefaghi, Ahmadi [14] have stated that the natural wear and friction coefficient had improved at the same time when the viscosity of the base oil had increased with increasing concentration of Cu nanoparticles. measured. The results have shown that the thermal conductivity of  In recent years, many studies have studied the application of the nanolubricant was increased when compared with the base oil. Therefore, the results indicated that CuO nanoparticles had improved the tribological behaviour as well as the thermal properties of the nanolubricant oil.  nanoparticles in the field of lubrication. It has been reported that the concentration of nanoparticles in the base-oils is an important parameter while formulating a nanolubricant. According to Koshy, RejendraNumar [6], one significant

Keywords—Concentration, (II) oxide, nanolubricant. improvement, tribological, Copper observation is that improvements in the desired property of the base-oils occurred with low concentrations of nanoparticles.
