Publication year: 2015

The Application of Response Surface Methodology in the Investigation of the Tribological Behavior of Palm Cooking Oil Blended in Engine Oil

The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal design parameters and to indicate which of the design parameters are statistically significant for obtaining a low coefficient of friction(COF) and low wear rate with waste palm oi lblended with SAE40. The tribology performance was evaluated usingapistonring-liner contact tester. The design of experiment(DOE) was constructed by using response surface methodology(RSM) to minimize the number of experimental condition sand to develop a mathematical model between the key process parameters such as rotational speeds (200rpm to 300rpm), volume concentration (0% to 10% waste oil) , and applied loads (2 kg to 9 kg). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was also carried out to check the adequacy of the empirical models developed. Scanning electron microscopy(SEM) was used to examine the damage features at the worn surface under lubricant contact conditions.
